Tag: Manager’s Report

Manager’s Report

The spring heavenly weather has come and is going … going … gone, as temperatures are now approaching triple digits. Many of SunBird’s seasonal residents and visitors have either headed north or are in preparation of leaving to get away from the brutal temperatures of the summer months. This has been an absolutely terrific season…

Manager’s Report

SunBird is an exciting, vibrant, and active community in full throttle this time of year. Driving towards the clubhouse from Championship Drive, either on SunBird Boulevard or Waterview Drive, is an amazing spectacle of SunBird’s outdoor recreational activities and enjoyment in full swing. Neighbors are walking, riding bikes, swimming in the pool, playing golf, pickleball,…

Manager’s Report

Good weather, great people, fun activities, large events, and fabulous times! This season has been absolutely awesome! What more could anyone ask for? More! We’ve got it! More concerts, bus trips, tournaments, auctions, dances, and another huge outdoor extravaganza. Don’t miss SunBird’s Outdoor Spring Fling Luau and Concert on Saturday, April 2! This past year…

Manager’s Report

The high season is in full swing here at SunBird, and the weather is terrific! We are so glad to welcome back the many residents who were away for the summer and even longer. During the month of November, we have had many activities including a wonderful Veterans Day service, Community Garage Sale, SunBird’s 23rd…

Manager’s Report

This summer, Arizona had an unusual amount of rain, with an average increase of 400%. Sounds like a huge increase, but that amounts to a whopping four inches of rain. With that, it was assumed that this fall would be an ideal time to schedule road maintenance and repair work. During this scheduled roadwork, two…

Manager’s Report

Finally, the temperature has started decreasing from the scorching triple digits, and the nights are cooling off. At this time of year, many of our winter residents return to their SunBird homes to enjoy the good life. We welcome all back to SunBird, and we greatly appreciate all of those who have endured the hot…

Manager’s Report

It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost gone. It has been a very different time with monsoon-type storms and the unusual times they have struck. The humidity arrived much earlier and, combined with the extreme heat, has made it a little uncomfortable at times. Working with various contractors on maintenance and improvement projects…

Manager’s Report

It is extremely hot and humid! In other areas around SunBird, the weekend of the Fourth of July, it poured rain for nearly five hours and then only rained five minutes in SunBird. The following weekend it stormed for two days. Summer maintenance and projects are moving forward. New ADA-compliant handrails have been installed at…

Manager’s Report

Layne Varney We are now right in the middle of summer, and it’s HOT! About 400 common area trees, including mesquite, Palo Verde, and acacia trees are being thinned and access trimmed. The thinning helps keep the trees healthy and open in the middle. When strong gusts of winds blow, it also reduces the risk…

Manager’s Report

Layne Varney, General Manager The weather this spring has been great for enjoying the outdoors and life. During the month of May, the temperature has been in the 90s, for the most part, and on a few occasions, reached the low 100s. In June the temperatures are expected to rise to 110. Although the weather…