Tag: golf

Golf Report

Dave White Welcome to October. Good news: As I am writing this report, the cell tower construction has started, and, hopefully, by the time you read this, it should be completed (I was promised). We have been working on our bare spots in the fairways (4, 6, and 7) by aerating and cleaning out the…

SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Directors Candidates

The end of this year, SunBird will have two director positions available on the board. This election period, four homeowners have completed applications and are interested in being elected to these open positions. Information about each of the candidates is available on SunBird’s website and at the clubhouse. Immediately following the board of directors meeting…

SunBird Lions Club

21 South Lions Club Kick-Off Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club hosted the 21 South Kick-Off at the SunBird Golf Resort on Aug. 17. Lion Chris Gibbs, Induction Council chairman, inducted into the SunBird Lions Club Lions Nancy Eckstein, Michelle Seel, and Steve Seel who were sponsored by SunBird Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink. Lion…

Back to School with New Adventures!

Kyle Messner As the end of summer is in sight (almost!) and the sun begins to relent just a little, the anticipation at New Adventures in Learning is rising! With 17 new presenters and a wide variety of topics, it is going to be a great semester! New topics include golf-specific mobility and injury prevention,…

Golf Course Update

Recognizing that unseeded areas produce more dust and weeds, and in the case of the driving range, makes picking up embedded golf balls more difficult, the Golf Board voted to reseed the entire driving range with Bermudagrass. The driving range was closed for the month of June to allow time to prepare, seed, and grow…

SunBird Lions Club – July 2024

SunBird Lions Club Thanks Their Donors Arlene Block Without your help as a community, these charitable donations would not have been possible. We look forward to continuing our fundraisers, and we hope you, as a community, continue to support the SunBird Lions Club. Charitable Donations: Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children: $1,000 Arizona Center for the…

Another Successful Golf Season Comes to an End!

Margaret Munsch The Lady 18ers ended their season with a round of golf, a lunch which included delicious desserts prepared by Joyce Gerber, a general meeting, and presentation of the annual awards. The ladies were asked to decorate an Easter bonnet, hat, or visor for the event, and prizes were given to many of the…

Men’s Golf Club News

Scott Moore The SunBird Men’s Club monthly meeting was held on March 5. Two new members were welcomed into the club, Don McElheney and Darryl Joyce. Although there were no aces for February, the men did get in their weekly contests around the weather throughout the month. Jack Cooper noted that the new Deuce Pot…