Tag: American German Club

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal Our club closed out the season with a Patio Potluck Party. There was great food, great company, and all had a good time. Remember, we will meet next on Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. We will formalize plans for our Oktoberfest. The Lions Club’s Chuck Heitbrink contacted me about…

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal At our March meeting the club watched a DVD on German culture. Members brought snacks to eat during the viewing of the DVD. Our April meeting will be our end-of-season Patio Potluck Party. The club will provide roasted and fried chicken with potato salad. I wish our members a very Happy Easter! Auf…

American German Club News

The German Club celebrated Fasching at the January meeting with a potluck. It was a fun evening. Delores Kline was the winner of best costume! She was awarded a bunny statue as first prize. At the February meeting members played German Bingo, created by Carol Dawley. Winners of each round were award prizes. For the…

American German Club

Frank Nechvatal The club canceled the November meeting, as it fell on Thanksgiving. Instead, the club went to IHOP for a luncheon on Nov. 16 at 11:30 a.m. We now look forward to our Christmas luncheon. The luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 5, starting at 11:30 a.m. The Horizon Room will cater with a…

American German Club Notice

Frank Nechvatal The February issue of the SunBird News had an article about our meeting. However, the reality was that the meeting was canceled due to cases of COVID-19 popping up in our community. The writer of an article must submit it by the 5th of the month before the next edition. For example, for this…

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal The SunBird German Club is planning to resume meetings on the fourth Tuesday of September. Members, please mark your calendars for that date, Sept. 28. We will meet in the Lakeview Room at 6 p.m. Our topic for discussion will be the Oktoberfest plans and implementation. We need to decide if we will…

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal December was a busy time. We celebrated Christmas with a party in the Horizon Room. We enjoyed a great meal. We learned of the hidden meaning behind the Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Our choir director, Chris Nechvatal, led us in singing this carol, along with several other carols. We still…

SunBird American German Club

  Frank Nechvatal Just a reminder as our summer begins to wind down. The German Club will meet the fourth Tuesday in September, that is the 25th. Our September meeting will be to finalize the club’s Oktoberfest Dinner on Monday, October 24. Presently, the dinner is slated to begin with cocktails at 6:00 p.m. and…

American German Club news

Frank Nechvatal At the February meeting, the club celebrated Fasching. Fasching is the months-long event to mark the beginning of Lent. Fasching begins the 11th month, the 11th hour, 11 minutes and continues until Shroud Tuesday. Shroud Tuesday is the equivalent to Mardi Gras. The day after Shroud Tuesday is Ash Wednesday which, for Catholics,…