SunBird Lions Club Thanks Their Donors
Arlene Block
Without your help as a community, these charitable donations would not have been possible. We look forward to continuing our fundraisers, and we hope you, as a community, continue to support the SunBird Lions Club.
Charitable Donations:
Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children: $1,000
Arizona Center for the Blind: $2,000
Basha High School Scholarship: $1,000
Canine Companions: $1,000
C Kirby Smithe Lions Youth Camp: $1,000
Eyeball Express (eyeballs for research): $3,000
Foundation for Blind Children AZ: $1,000
Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary School: $500
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership: $800
Leader Dogs for the Blind: $1,000
Lions Camp Tatiyee: $3,000
Lions Club International Fund: $4,000
Lions Club International Fund Vision & Hearing Program: $5,000
Lions Club International Fund-Childhood Cancer: $2,500
Lions Foundation of Arizona: 1,500
Melvin Jones Memorial: $200
Soldier’s Best Friend: $1,000
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: $1,000
Sun Sounds of Arizona: $500
SunBird Golf Course flag pole: $300
SunBird Golf Resort HOA: $3,000
Look for all our upcoming fundraisers. We look forward to another successful season.

Left to right: Lions Mary Shelor (new member), Paula Warhoover (medical supplies director), Arlene Block (marketing), Chuck Heitbrink (SunBird Lions Club president), Jana Haeffner (SunBird Lions Club treasurer), and Carol Zittel (director of Flag Program)
Lions Leadership Conference
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club hosted the Lions Leadership Conference on June 1 in the SunBird ballroom and held various seminars throughout the facility. Lunch was provided by the SunBird Horizon Room.
You Have Been Flocked by SunBird Lions Club
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club’s newest fundraiser, Flamingos, will make a great gift to give and, at the same time, help with the many community activities we support.
By calling Lion Joan Bruening at 480-643-0474, you can sign up for her team of volunteers who will place the signs and flamingos wherever you choose and on the date you wish for the next 24 hours.
What a great idea and unusual gift that is sure to put a smile on many faces for birthdays, anniversaries, new home, or just because.
Thank you for supporting SunBird Lions Club.

Doris Sturtz
Happy Birthday, Doris!
A very Happy 94th Birthday to Doris Sturtz whose son David surprised her with the flamingos and birthday signs. Doris was our first recipient.
Doris loved her present and that David helped the SunBird Lions Club. Thank you so much. Many people stopped by with big smiles.
SunBird Lions Club Recognized by Lions Clubs International
Arlene Block
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) congratulates SunBird Lions Club on becoming a Model Club. As a Model Club, SunBird Lions Club showed leadership and dedication. SunBird Lions are a part of a group of Lions globally that enabled LCIF to surpass the U.S. $300 million goal.
Model Clubs made it possible for LCIF to award 403 grants, amounting to U.S. $7.7 million, to help combat COVID-19 and send aid to Ukrainian refugees in 17 countries. They helped to expand the ability to support each of the global causes, making it possible to continue empowering the service of Lions for years to come.
By supporting SunBird Lions, we can continue our efforts to fulfill all these obligations to make life easier for those in need. We will continue to collect eyewear, hearing aids, non-perishable foods for the food pantry, aluminum cans, cell phones, and medical supplies such as wheelchairs, commodes, etc.
We need all your support for our comedy shows, musicals, and Bingo on the first and third Fridays of the month, November through April.
We have a Flag program where flags are placed on your property for all holidays. Our newest fundraiser is Flamingos, which are placed wherever you choose for a donation to honor a birthday, anniversary, or for fun.
Monetary donations are always welcome. If you would like to donate for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc., provide the information, and a card will be sent to the recipient.
If you have any questions, please contact Lion Arlene Block at 602-618-5861.
Thank you for your support.
Together We Serve
SunBird Lions Club Aluminum Can Collection
Arlene Block
With the season just beginning with the warmer weather, when everyone is enjoying a soda/pop or refreshing can of beer, SunBird Lions would like you to help with their collection of aluminum cans—only aluminum cans, please.
If having a house party, BBQ, anniversary party, birthday party, club event, housewarming, or just in your own home, we would appreciate your placing a collection container where empty aluminum cans could be placed. You can drop them off at the SunBird clubhouse in the receptacles marked for SunBird Lions Club, or we will pick up large amounts. The cans will benefit the SunBird Lions Club fundraiser.
If you have any questions, please contact Lion Fred Garmeson at 480-818-3603.

SunBird Lions Club Lions Joan Bruening, Arlene Block, Jan Engdahl, and Carol Delk
SunBird Lions Club in Action at the MD21 Convention
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club Lions Joan Bruening, Arlene Block, Jan Engdahl, and Carol Delk attended the MD21 Lions State Convention on May 18. Registration was done by these SunBird Lions Club ladies. It was wonderful to see so many Lions from all over Arizona come together.
If you are interested in helping your community, working to help those in need, helping those in need of hearing and sight apparatus, and so much more, please join the SunBird Lions on the third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the Lakeview Room, in the SunBird Golf Resort. We also have fun social activities for fundraisers.
More information about our activities will be coming monthly.