The deadline for the September edition is Aug. 10 by 4 p.m. Please send your submission on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website: For article and photo guidelines or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Category: August 2022
Card Games & Sports, August 2022
Golf Course Event Listing 2022
Christina Riley, Assistant Golf Shop Manager Aug. 13 (Saturday): El Diablo Tournament, shotgun at 7 a.m. Sept. 5 (Monday): Labor Day Tournament, shotgun at 7:30 a.m.
Card Games & Sports, August 2022
Bridge Results
Monday Bridge Karlene Garn June winners: 6/06. 1st Barb Ott, 2nd Frank Nechvatal, 3rd Margaret Erikkson 6/13. 1st Gunter Deflieze, 2nd Chet Howe, 3rd June Preder 6/20. 1st Frank Nechvatal, 2nd June Preder, 3rd Carol Phillips 6/27. 1st Peggy White, 2nd Larry Schoenborn, 3rd Beth Miller Wednesday Morning Bridge Chris Nechvatal 6/08. 1st Carol Dawley,…
Association News, August 2022
Manager’s Report
It’s been a hot and humid summer with very little rain. Although the temperatures are consistently reaching into the triple digits, the work continues on with many planned maintenance and improvement projects. Each year SunBird has planned, budgeted, and scheduled many of these projects to keep the buildings, facilities, and equipment updated and in great…
Card Games & Sports, August 2022
Bridge Quips
Front Page, August 2022
Pickleball: Summer and Beyond

The SunBird Pickleball Club enjoyed a fun and festive Fourth of July celebration that included the flag raising, prayer, and songs that honored our great country. Great games were had by all on the courts. The summer sessions are managed via an online SignUpGenius. If you would like to be added, send your email address…
Community News, August 2022
In Passing
Card Games & Sports, August 2022
Hot Chicks with Sticks

Margaret Munsch, Publicity The Lady 18ers don’t let 110-degree weather keep them off the golf course. During the summer, members of the Lady 18ers get together every Tuesday for an early game of 18 holes of golf, followed by lunch in the Horizon Room. Now that is a great way to start a Tuesday! You…
Community News, August 2022
Welcome New Neighbors
Marietta La Rosa Hometown/State: Chandler, Ariz. Marietta’s interests include crafting, bingo, walking and training dogs and cats, and dancing. Jill Inman Hometown/State: Lancaster, Calif. Jill has two children Stacy Carovillano Hometown/State: California Stacy is divorced and has two children. She enjoys cooking and shopping. Cecelia Dedich Hometown/State: Chesterland, Ohio Cecelia was married for 52 years…