Category: October 2024

Want to Recycle Electronics?

Come to the recycling event, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sun Lakes in partnership with AZ StRUT, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon. Sorry, no early drop-offs. Drop off computers, laptops and accessories, iPads, cell phones, flat-panel TVs and monitors, printers, cables, power supplies, DVD players, VCR players, and calculators in…

Popping Up at Crystal Cards

If you’re looking for a variety of greeting cards, check out Crystal Cards (CC) sales. Pop-Ups have become a “pop”-u-lar item, and we have those, as well as cards for any occasion. CC receives donations of used greeting cards, and then its volunteers renovate them into beautiful “new” ones, which are available for $1 each.…

Welcome New Neighbors

JoAn Patten Hometown/State: Clifton, Colo. JoAn is a widow. Her interests include photography, gardening, flower arranging, NASA, and walking. Connie Street Hometown/State: St. Joseph, Mo. Connie has been married for almost 58 years and has two children. Mike and Brenda Dunaisky Hometown/State: Cloquet, Minn. Mike and Brenda have been married for 24 years and have…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The board of directors had its first business meeting after summer recess on Monday, Sept. 23. This meeting was held after the printing of this issue of the SunBird News for a report of the meeting notes. The next board of directors business meeting is scheduled for Oct. 28 at 10 a.m. in the ballroom.

Do You Have an Interest in Audio?

Sun Lakes Community Theater (SLCT) has a complete audio system for sound reinforcement of live engagements. Do you have the time to help us at the SLCT? Would you like to see SLCT’s full production shows for free? Watch children light up as they watch Horton and his crew entertain them at local elementary schools?…

Desert Valley Veterans

Commander Rich Volpe Following a long, warm summer, it’s time to return back to business as we pick up where we left off earlier in the year. Although our monthly meetings resume, our services never shut down throughout the year, as our main goal is to always be available as we continue our support for…

Manager’s Report

It’s been an extremely hot summer, reaching 100 degrees or more for over 100 days straight, breaking temperature records. Everyone and every living thing in Arizona is feeling the effects of the long, hot, drawn-out summer. The impact of the heat can be seen just about everywhere outside. Summer improvement and maintenance projects continue to…

SunBird Patrol

SunBird Patrol Speed Limits and Stop Signs: Patrol has addressed the complaints about speeding delivery vehicles not stopping at stop signs. Just a friendly reminder: Please be sure to watch your speeds while driving around the community, and be sure to stop at all stop signs. Keep in mind that Championship Drive is the only…

Day Trippers Sun Lakes Travel Group

Do you enjoy taking day trips but hate the hassle of driving to get to your destination? Do you enjoy the beauty of our state and would like to find a way to see the wonders of our state hassle-free with other Sun Lakes and SunBird residents who share your passion? The Day Trippers may…