The SunBird Lions Club needs your help to assist the children from Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary School with new or gently used clothing for Back to School in sizes 5 through 12 for either boys or girls. A drop-off box is in the Poster Room at the SunBird clubhouse and is marked with a SunBird…
Tag: SunBird Lions Club
August 2023, Clubs & Classes
Helping the Veterans with Medical Equipment

It may be summer, but SunBird Lions Club continues to help others all year round. Please help if you have equipment that you no longer need, that could help others. If you are in need of equipment, please contact Lion Paula Warhoover at 618-806-2464. All this is possible because of everyone’s help by supporting Bingo on…
Front Page, July 2023
SunBird Lions Club Clothing Drive for Children
Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club will be collecting clothing for the children going back to school at the Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary School. We are collecting new and gently used casual clothes such as light jackets, socks, blouses, shirts, shorts, dresses, and skirts. We are collecting for girls and boys in sizes 5 through…
Community News, June 2023
Recycle Aluminum Cans

Arlene Block Now that it is getting warmer and we are drinking more soda/pop, please look for the blue receptacles with the SunBird Lions Club emblem. You will find them in various places around the clubhouse and by the post office. Please place aluminum cans only in the slot that says, “Cans Only.” Please do…
Clubs & Classes, June 2023
SunBird Lions Club

SunBird Lions Club New Officers The new SunBird Lions Club officers for 2023-24 who were installed by Lion Joseph Preston, Past International President, are as follows: President: Lion Chuck Heitbrink Immediate Past President: Lion Carol Zittel Reporting Secretary: PDG Fred Garmeson Recording Secretary: Lion Jan Engdahl Treasurer: Lion Jana Haeffner Lion Tamer: Lion Rob Arnold…
Clubs & Classes, May 2023
SunBird Lions Club

New Members Welcomed Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club welcomed three new members on March 21. Our new members are Lion Verne Green and Lion Ronald and Lion Colleen Norgard. Their sponsor is Lion Gordon Olson. Thank you for joining and helping our community and the many fundraisers that help those in need throughout the world.…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Thank You from the SunBird Lions Club!

Four lovely ladies from SunBird blessed our Chandler Lions Club with their handmade items for our Christmas stockings and Clothes Cabin. As a thank you, we put together at our last meeting yarn bouquets and presented it to these deserving ladies: Diane Reed, Inge Pfalz, Rita Benninger, and Shirley Rammage. Thank you, Ladies!
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
More SunBird Lions Club

Arlene Block SunBird Lions helped Cadence of Chandler Senior Living and Memory Care Facility celebrate their one-year anniversary on Saturday, March 11. SunBird Lions Paula Warhoover, Arlene Block, and Fred Garmeson provided fruit bars with the Lions logo on each bar and information on our Lions Club to residents and visitors. Cadence provided a delicious…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
District 21-S Convention

Arlene Block The District 21-S Convention was represented by SunBird Lions Club Lions Elleyn Davis, Eileen Sazama, Arlene Block, Paula Warhoover, and Janna Haeffner. Being a Lion is something we are proud of. It shows your ability to help those in need and to serve your community. We meet on the third Tuesday of the…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
SunBird Lions Club Bingo, February 3

Arlene Block The Lions Club Bingo winners for Friday, Feb. 3, were Travis Acuna, Vicki Baker (won two games), Marie Leadenham, Karen Fox, Sherry Feige (won two games), Margaret Ericson, Jim Ruthierfron, Patty Brockey, Kathy Wolberson, Berita Burke, Marlene Fishkel, Mary Johnson, Felicity Dennis, Marilyn Kloster, Barbara Scott, Barb Filiere, Audry Brown, and Trish Carrell,…