SunBird Lions Club New Officers
The new SunBird Lions Club officers for 2023-24 who were installed by Lion Joseph Preston, Past International President, are as follows:
President: Lion Chuck Heitbrink
Immediate Past President: Lion Carol Zittel
Reporting Secretary: PDG Fred Garmeson
Recording Secretary: Lion Jan Engdahl
Treasurer: Lion Jana Haeffner
Lion Tamer: Lion Rob Arnold
Tail Twister: Lion Margaret Weisman
One-Year Directors: Lions Sonya Haeffner and Ellyn Davis
Two-Year Directors: Lions Beverly Wilson and Marilyn Klooster
Membership Committee: Lions Irene Zeppelin and Gordon Olson
LCIF Club Coordinator: PDG Fred Garmeson
Marketing Chairperson: Lion Arlene Block
Thank you to outgoing President Lion Ray Clark for his hard work and dedication.
Congratulations to all the Lions who are so committed to fulfilling their humanitarian service to meet the needs of the Chandler community and beyond.
SunBird Lions Melvin Jones Progressive Award

The SunBird Lions Club presented to Lions Gordon Olson and Arlene Block the Melvin Jones Progressive Award. Also pictured are Lion Ray Clark and Past International President Lion Joseph Preston.
SunBird Lions Club Bingo
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club’s last Bingo until resuming in November was held on Friday, April 21.
Our winners were Jan Price (won two games), Tina Moresi, Jessica Smith (won two games), Frances Masone, Jackie Bard, Liesa Firebaugh (won two games), June Preder, Jan Sieth (won two games), Cheryl Hoffman, Mona Rice, Kay Schroeter, Loren Carrel, Kyndall Price (won two games), Irene Zeppelin, and our big winner was Ken Sieth. We also had a winner who doubled her money by calling Bingo in the allotted calls by the Bingo caller, Lion Fred Garmeson.
Thank you to everyone who attends Bingo. We look forward to seeing you in November. We hope you will tell your family, friends, and neighbors so they, too, will join in on the fun. We appreciate everyone and are grateful for your help in our SunBird Lions Club fundraiser.
New SunBird Lions

Pictured (from left) are Lions Arlene Block (sponsor for Joan Bruening), Joan Bruening, Carol Delk, and her sponsor Colleen Norgard.
Congratulations to Joan Bruening and Carol Delk who are now proud Lions of the SunBird Lions Club.
Presidents Appreciation Award

Lions Eileen Sazama and Carol
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club has two outstanding Lions who have earned the Presidents Appreciation Award. Lion Eileen Sazama has learned all the mechanics of the sound system and computers for bingo and has taken on the challenges willingly.
Lion Carol also works as the leader for our SunBird Bingo. Lion Carol is also in charge of the operation of our flag program.
Thank you, Lions Eileen and Carol.
28th Anniversary Installation and Awards Dinner
The SunBird Lions Club’s 28th Installation and Awards Dinner was held on April 18 in the SunBird Golf Resort ballroom. A delicious dinner was provided by SunBird’s Horizon Room. Past International President Joseph Preston was the guest speaker and presenter of awards, and he also installed the incoming electives.
Lion Jo Mottet Earns Membership Advancement Key
Congratulations to Lion Jo Mottet who received the 5 Member Advancement Key at the SunBird Lions 28th Anniversary Installation and Awards Dinner. Lion Jo has been a member for 28 years and was the first non-charter member.
Thank you, Lion Jo, for all your work for the SunBird Lions and for helping our community and its many charities.