New Members Welcomed

Pictured are new members Lion Verne Green and Lion Ronald and Lion Colleen Norgard with their sponsor Lion Gordon Olson.
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club welcomed three new members on March 21. Our new members are Lion Verne Green and Lion Ronald and Lion Colleen Norgard. Their sponsor is Lion Gordon Olson. Thank you for joining and helping our community and the many fundraisers that help those in need throughout the world.
Please contact Membership Chairpersons Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 or Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932, or ask any SunBird Lion if you would like information or have questions about becoming a SunBird Lion. The feeling of giving back and doing for those in need is something we all love.
Collection of Eyeglasses, Cell Phones, and Hearing Aids
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions collect eyeglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones that are gently used to help those in need around the world who would otherwise not have any. You can call any of our Lions: Marilyn Hespel at 480-220-0956, Ellyn Davis at 520-589-0702, Paula Warhoover at 618-806-2464, or Renee Siuda at 48-622-2928 for pick-up of any of the items, or you may leave them at the SunBird clubhouse.
Lion Ray Clark delivered 3,300 pairs of glasses that SunBird Lions Club collected. Without your help, this would not be possible.
Thank you for making a difference.
March 17 Bingo Winners
Arlene Block
St. Patrick’s Day proved to be very lucky for many at the SunBird Lions Club Bingo. The winners were Anita Hupp, Dorothy Mills, June Preder, Loren Carrel, Ken Seith, Karen Stenberg (won two games), Reinetta Moore (won two games), Lani Pappano, Kaitlyn Wilka, Elizabeth Dykema, Fay Sampson, Lynn Mollohan, Norman Ott (won two games), Jon Sampson, Kay Schrueter, Joanne Sandberg, Jim Rutherford, Joan Green, Jean Anderson, and our big winner, Sandy McConnell.
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all who support the SunBird Lions Club Bingo and our many programs.
SunBird Bingo ended on April 17 and will resume in November.
Please join our SunBird Lions Club and enjoy the fun and the experience of serving our community. You can contact Lion Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215, or Lion Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932, our membership team, or see any SunBird Lion.
Please remember to place soda/pop cans in the receptacles around the SunBird clubhouse. These are collected, and the monies go to our many fundraisers.
If you have extra nonperishable and dated food, paper, or animal foods to share, please drop them off at the SunBird clubhouse (we have a marked container in the Copy Room) or call Lion Arlene Block at 602-618-5861 for pick-up.
April 8 Bingo Winners
The SunBird Lions Club Bingo winners on Friday, April 8, are Dorothy Mills, Taylor Price, Liesa Firebaugh (won two games), Wade Hirshaw, Norma Thomas, Jan Seith, Judy Grady, Vicki Baker, Eleanor Klingbal, Marilyn Klooster, Timothy Mills, Ruth Vipperman, Kathy Wolberson, Mike Letvarnere, Irene Simpson, Lyman Warnock, and our big winner was Wade Hinshaw.
Thank you to our new member, Lion Verne Green, who called the games. Great job!
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support to the SunBird Lions Club. With your support, we are able to help those in our community who are in need of food, help in various ways, and also provide services to people in need of medical supplies, and vision and hearing needs.
Lions Club Soda/Can Receptacles
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club has receptacles around the clubhouse and post office for soda/pop cans. Please use them to recycle your cans to benefit our many programs.
Please, no other can or plastic bottle is acceptable.
Please do not remove from the receptacle those soda/pop cans that are placed in there.
Thank you for your support.