Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Sometimes a little change is good, and it is nice to get back to our normal scheduling of meetings. We soon will be approaching our holiday season, which will carry us through the end of the year. Our next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at Black Bear Diner on…
Tag: Korean War Veterans
October 2023, Clubs & Classes
Korean War Veterans
From the Desk of the Chapter Commander Once again, as we leave the summer heat and monsoon season behind, our surroundings come to life as our visitors and homeowners start to return to the magic of Sun Lakes and the surrounding Sun Lakes areas. Hopefully, the summer went well for all, whether you were away…
September 2023, Clubs & Classes
Korean War Veterans Encourage New Members to Join
On July 27 many Korean War Veterans paused momentarily to remember the Korean War Armistice Day. After all, it is a national day of recognition to commemorate the more than 35,000 U.S. Service members who lost their lives during the Korean War. The war began on June 25, 1950, when the North Korean People’s Army…
September 2023, Clubs & Classes
Korean War Veterans
From the Desk of the Chapter Commander Our Chapter Commander would like to extend his thanks and appreciation for all the continued support that you all provided to our organization over the past year. Hopefully, the summer went well for you all as we continue to look for new adventures as we move on, following…
Clubs & Classes, November 2022
Korean War Veterans
Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson A little change is good, and it is nice to return to our normal scheduling of meetings starting to all fall into place for our organization, as well as for the many other clubs in our local communities. Our meetings for the Korean War Veterans are held on the fourth…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson The local Korean War Veterans Chapter continues to stay on track, staying active in community affairs and offering assistance to those in need when the unexpected shows up. During the summer months, meetings have been suspended and will be picking up again shortly in the October timeframe. Throughout the summer…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
Korean War Veterans
Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander The local Chapter of the Korean War Veterans continues to carry on their normal activities during these tough days when we all have to face so many new issues regarding our current economy, as well as all the problems erupting around the world these days that create a state of…
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
Korean War Veterans News
Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander The local Korean War Veterans Chapter continues to stay on track, meeting monthly, with the added continuation of their weekly luncheon schedules attended by many of the club membership. For those who are in need of support, our doors are never closed. The organization has the capability to assist those…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Korean War Veterans
Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander Although the local Chapter of the Korean War Veterans had made the decision earlier to put on hold most upcoming events for the remainder of the 2021 year, for the safety of all its members and others, the organization is always dedicated to help assist all veterans in need of support…
Clubs & Classes, November 2021
Korean War Veteran’s News and Happenings
Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander It is certainly a nice change to see the local area communities, as well as the surrounding areas, come to life with the weather starting to really cooperate and most outdoor activities picking up, as we move closer to the holiday season. With Thanksgiving only days away, we can expect…