Tag: Kare Bears

Kare Bears Elect 2022-23 Board

Shirley Jackson New board members have been voted in and officers chosen for the Kare Bears 2022-23 season. Outgoing president Margaret Speer introduced the new board members, and following the Appreciation Luncheon, the new board selected their officers: President Karen Volk, Vice President Kay Davis, Members at Large: Donna Moran, Patsy Covington, and Lena Craft.…

The Kare Bear Fair Returns!

Shirley Jackson With mail delivery slow and products held up off-shore, Christmas shopping will not be easy this year. So, consider shopping at the Kare Bear Fair on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 8 a.m. to noon, in the SunBird ballroom. There will be about 40 vendors displaying their wares, with a wide variety of choices.…

Attention Kare Bear Workers

Nancy and Bob Smith To all you Kare Bear workers: Thank you so much for the blessing bag! It was full of special gifts; each one picked by you made it a fun bag to open. The best part was that the front of the blessing bag said, “This is a gift from a friend. May you…

First Kare Bear meeting a huge success

Left to right: Mimi Fishkel, Rosie Vanderveen, and Lynn McHale

Barbara Dunbar The first meeting for the 2019-20 was held on Oct. 16, at 1 p.m. in the ballroom. Juanita Harbut, president, welcomed all the members. HOA Board candidates Jeannie Johnston, Bill Ley, Lisa Onyx, and Steve Seel spoke to the group about why they were running for office. We have 22 NEW members! Bunny Bottorff,…

A Christmas of caring

Rosie VanderVeen Our next Kare Bear Faire is on Saturday, December 2, in the ballroom, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., The faires are open to the public, so c’mon down! Browse, patronize or just enjoy the ambiance. Encourage your neighbors to join you! Join 45 outside vendors, who will offer their unique and innovative…

Chosen, charged and challenged

Kare Bear members

Rosie VanderVeen The first Kare Bears meeting of the season took place on October 18 after press time. We will discuss in December article. Our new board members are Julia Roberts and Barb Dunbar. Emily Hughes will replace Larie Thiebeault as treasurer. Barb will continue to serve as secretary. Dates for Kare Bear Faires will…

Concerned, caring, contributing, continuance

Rosie VanderVeen The first Kare Bear meeting of the season took place on October 19. New Board members Deanna Calvert, Carol Weatherbee, Margaret Spear and Linda Bengston (not present) as well as previous board member Barb Dunbar were installed. Deanna asked that we wear our name badges at meetings and events. This will facilitate and…