Tag: Garden Club

Rock of the Month

Deb Rising found the March Rock of the Month. If you are the lucky one to find the May Rock of the Month, follow the instructions taped to the back and call Lisa Onyx at 847-845-1442 to claim your Horizon Room gift card, compliments of the Garden Club.

Rock of the Month

Elaine Longland found the February Rock of the Month while on a walk with her sister Janet Farrell, who found the December Rock of the Month. You might want to join them for a walk if you want to find the April rock, which is hidden in a common area here in SunBird. If you…

Garden Club

The SunBird Garden Club would like to thank everyone who came out for the 2024 Annual Home Tour last month. This popular and fun afternoon could not happen without gracious homeowners opening their beautiful homes, workers who coordinated the event, and all the volunteers who helped make this year’s event a huge success. A major…

SunBird Annual Home Tour Honors Toni Onyx

The ever-popular SunBird annual Home Tour is nearly here! Seven SunBird homes will be showcased this year between 1 and 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, to share ideas for remodeling, refreshing, repurposing, and/or redecorating. This year’s tour honors Toni Onyx Greisiger, longtime member, contributor, and past president of the Garden Club. Toni was born…

Garden Club

The SunBird Garden Club’s March meeting will be held on the 8th at 9 a.m. in the ballroom. This is the meeting just prior to our biggest fundraising event, the annual Home Tour, which is being held on Sunday, March 10. The March meeting will feature a speaker from the Chandler Water Department. The Garden…

Garden Club Meeting February 9

The SunBird Garden Club’s next meeting will be on Feb. 9 at 9 a.m. and, along with an educational speaker, will feature a tea party. We will be firming up plans for the annual Home Tour, which is our biggest fundraising event. Please consider joining us. We welcome new members at any time.

Garden Club News

On Community Day the Garden Club, represented by Carol Delk and Barb Finkelman, signed up five new members, and the club also raised $190 in plant and rock sales! At our December meeting, members enjoyed a holiday brunch celebration prepared by the Horizon Room. After our meal, we gathered cookies brought in by the members,…

Garden Club

SunBird Garden Club members enjoyed a festive morning of holiday cheer and wreath decorating! The wreaths were hung around the clubhouse and on the gates at Riggs Road. Thank you, ladies!

Garden Club Happenings

MJ Johnson Did you know: You don’t have to get your hands dirty to be in the Garden Club? While there are several ladies who do grab their garden tools, put on garden gloves, and weed several of our common areas, it is not a requirement! (But we can always use more help!) Did you…