The meeting was called to order by President Gordon Lee at 10:00 a.m. All board members were present. The minutes of the January 23 business meeting and executive session and the February 14 agenda planning and executive session meetings were approved. Treasurer’s Report by Nancy Eckstein Annual independent financial audit is in process with the…
Tag: Board of Directors
Association News, January 2017
Notes from November 28 Board of Directors meeting
Members present were Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Don Calvert (via telephone), Nancy Eckstein, Gordon Lee, Pat McGonegle, Jean Pritchard, Chuck Warren, and Manager Layne Varney. The meeting was called to order by President Gordon Lee at 10:00 a.m. The minutes of October 24, 2016 Business Meeting, the October 24, 2016 Executive Session, the November 14, 2016 Agenda…
Card Games & Sports, January 2017
From the superintendent’s desk
Marc Francoeur Let me start off wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I know I’m looking forward to the upcoming year and the warmer weather that it’ll bring. I bet everyone is wondering what the yellowish grass is out on the golf course. Some of it is actually the dormant Bermuda grass. Unfortunately, we lost…
Association News, January 2017
SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Director election results
The 2017 SunBird Board of Director Elections have ended. Two positions were up for election on the Board with five candidates interested. Ballots were mailed to all homeowners at the beginning of November with the deadline of voting December 15. The Elections Committee met December 16 to verify and tally the ballots. Gordon Lee and…
Association News, December 2016
Board notes – October 24, 2016
The Board of Directors met at 10:00 a.m. All members were present (Chuck Warren via telephone). Layne Varney was also in attendance. Layne reported that 108 homes have been sold so far this year. The Food and Beverage Operations continues to grow in sales and service. The fish fry is growing in attendance and Sunday…
Association News, December 2016
2017 Budget and annual dues notice
It’s hard to believe that SunBird is nearing 30 years in age; 2016 was another successful year with many improvement and maintenance projects. We have been focusing on updating and keeping our many amenities, facilities and services current and updated. The 2017 budget has been approved. The budget process started this past April with SunBird’s…
Association News, December 2016
HOA Board of Directors elections
The Board of Directors is comprised of seven members with staggering three year terms elected by SunBird homeowners. Each year at least two members of the Board complete their term and every third an additional member. This year two Board positions will be available for election with five interested candidates running for these positions. In…
Association News, November 2016
Meet the candidates for HOA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of seven members with staggering three year terms elected by SunBird homeowners. Each year at least two members of the Board complete their term and every third an additional member. This year two Board positions will be available for election with five interested candidates running for these positions. This…
Association News, October 2016
SunBird Board election notice
The Board of Directors is comprised of seven members with staggering three year terms elected by SunBird homeowners. Each year at least two members of the Board complete their term and every third an additional member. This year two Board positions will be available for election. The deadline for interested homeowners to submit names was…
Association News, October 2016
Notes from the Board meeting
The Board of Directors have been on summer recess for the months of June through August and have met on September 12 and 26. These meetings were held after the deadline for publishing the notes of these meetings in this month’s issue. The next Agenda Planning meeting is Monday, October 10 at 10:00 a.m. and…