Tag: ACC

Interested in Joining a Committee?

SunBird has a variety of committees with specific charters to assist the board of directors. Committees help by studying and reviewing suggested ideas and comments to improve SunBird. The committees are Architectural Control (ACC), Finance, Planning and Project Review, Rules, and Welcoming and Marketing. Committee member terms (March through February) are for one year. If…

Attention Homeowners

ACC Committee This spring and summer, there have been many upkeep projects and house painting on a number of properties in SunBird. After completion of painting your home, you must make sure that your house numbers are clearly visible from the street or the frontage of the property. The importance of house numbers is to…

Welcome Back, Snowbirds!

SunBird Golf Resort would not be the highly desirable community that it is without the help of our wonderful residents, both permanent and part-time visitors in the community. With that being said, here is a friendly reminder about unacceptable items within SunBird: 1. Outside clothes lines and other outside drying/airing actions. 2. No major appliances,…

Reminder from the ACC Committee

From time to time we must be reminded of some of the ACC Guidelines. With new homeowners moving in, they are not always familiar with some of the guidelines, and a few of us have forgotten some of the guidelines. The ACC Committee would like to remind all of our homeowners that mirrored, aluminum foil,…

Reminders from the ACC—Good Housekeeping

Spring has sprung. It is always a good time of year to declutter. Please be sure your carport area is free of debris and excess furniture. According to the ACC Guidelines, “No major appliances, including small refrigerators, can be used or stored in carports and patios. No scooters, bicycles, household items, or household furniture can…

Is Your Yard Weed-Free?

ACC Committee SunBird homeowners are solely responsible to keep their property free of all dead/dying weeds. The warmer weather we’ve been having, accompanied by rain, is starting to bring out the weeds! It is strongly advised to have your yard sprayed with a pre-emergent, and the best time to have this done is now! Please…

Interested in Joining a Committee?

SunBird has a variety of committees with specific charters to assist the board of directors. Committees help by studying and reviewing suggested ideas and comments to improve SunBird. The committees are Architectural Control (ACC), Finance, Planning and Project Review, Rules Compliance, and Welcome and Marketing. Committee member terms (March through February) are for one year…

ACC Permits

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator With residents returning to SunBird, it is usually a time that homeowners begin to do some home improvements. New outside paint colors were developed at the end of May. Stop by the clubhouse and take a look at the new, exciting colors. The color board is across from the HOA office…

ACC Permits and New Homeowners

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator ACC Permits ACC Permit Application forms can be found at the post office or on the SunBird HOA website at SunBirdhoa.com. Click on the tab Documents and you can find it under forms. Please fill it out and attach $5 exact cash or check to the permit and put it in…