Laurie Moore Kelech, Golf Shop Manager Yep, it’s a dry heat … let us celebrate with unlimited summer play! From June 1 through Oct. 7. Available seven days a week From Wednesday, June 1, through Friday, Oct. 7 Book tee times after 9:30 a.m.* $599 per person upfront includes cart (when reserved at booking) $180…
Category: May 2022
Clubs & Classes, May 2022
American/Italian Club News
Frank Nechvatal The Italian Club finished the 2021-22 season with its annual Patio Party. The club provided fried and roasted chicken along with potato salad and baked beans. Members brought side dishes and desserts. The changing of the guard took place during the party. Lisa Romero becomes the club president, with Treva Christenson as vice…
Community News, May 2022
Bugs Be Gone with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso Don’t let the bugs bug you this spring. Watching a gorgeous sunset? Hiking to a lake for scenic swim? Getting out to play a round of golf? Throwing your annual barbeque with loved ones or friends? Nothing can ruin the perfect outdoors moment like pesky mosquitoes and insects. Spring is also a time…
Community News, May 2022
Library Update
First, a big thank you to the snowbirds who have remembered to return their library items before their trip back north. Your library may have items that surprise you! One of our SunBird people discovered that while searching the Large Print section, she discovered that a favorite author was in large print—Patterson! Then she found…
Association News, May 2022
Palm Trees
ACC Committee With summer here, it is almost time to begin trimming your palm trees. Please do not do them too early. The palm flowers will begin to come out around the middle of May and June. After your palm flowers and the fruit sticks have grown out, this is the best time to trim…
Community News, May 2022
Director Appreciation
The SunBird Singers’ synergy Is greater than the sum Of soprano, alto, tenor, base And the notes where they come from It’s clearly the integration Of the parts that were selected And even tho’ we’re old and wise We surely need direction! So Pat and Kim and Mike take pains To cajole and beg and…
Association News, May 2022
New Rule: Sign, Flag, Banners, Displays, or Objects of Good Taste
Several residents have requested that the Rules Compliance Committee and the board of directors consider a standard be set for signs, banners, displays, and objects to be in good taste. The media has reported many banners and signs displayed throughout the country that are offensive and/or are in bad taste. It is realized that, as…
Front Page, May 2022
Spring Fling Outdoor Concert A Huge Success!

It was a beautiful evening on Saturday, April 2, when SunBird held another amazing outdoor event—the SunBird Spring Fling Outdoor Concert. Over 1,000 SunBird residents and guests attended this fabulous event, which featured The Royal Islander Polynesian Entertainers, including fire and hula dancers, live music, featuring Outside the Line, Hawaiian food prepared by the Horizon…
Clubs & Classes, May 2022
Kare Bears Elect 2022-23 Board

Shirley Jackson New board members have been voted in and officers chosen for the Kare Bears 2022-23 season. Outgoing president Margaret Speer introduced the new board members, and following the Appreciation Luncheon, the new board selected their officers: President Karen Volk, Vice President Kay Davis, Members at Large: Donna Moran, Patsy Covington, and Lena Craft.…
Association News, May 2022
Social Events
Taco About a Fiesta! Thursday, May 5, Horizon Room, 3 to 6:30 p.m. Holy guacamole, it’s fiesta time! Join us on Cinco de Mayo for a fiesta. We’ll be chippin’, dippin’, and sippin’ (margarita specials)! Sombreros and fiesta wear are optional. Build your own Soft Taco/Taco Salad Bar – includes seasoned ground beef, fajita chicken,…