Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club Bingo is held the first and third Friday of each month through April in the SunBird ballroom. It is open to the public. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to play. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. You can get a table with your group or come and…
Tag: SunBird Lions Club Bingo
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
SunBird Lions Club Bingo Is Back
Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club Bingo will be resuming on Friday, Nov. 3. Bingo will be held the first and third Friday of each month. You can get your table and cards in the SunBird ballroom at 5:30 p.m., and the games will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. There…
Clubs & Classes, May 2023
SunBird Lions Club
New Members Welcomed Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club welcomed three new members on March 21. Our new members are Lion Verne Green and Lion Ronald and Lion Colleen Norgard. Their sponsor is Lion Gordon Olson. Thank you for joining and helping our community and the many fundraisers that help those in need throughout the world.…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
March 3 Winners
Arlene Block The lucky winners at the Friday, March 3, SunBird Lions Club Bingo were Desiree Acuna, Ann Laningham, Irene Zeppelin, Karen Stenberg, Jim Rutterford, Janet Williamson, Colleen O’Leary, Don Ferge, Don Stenberg, Coret Pottlfaff, James Sidabizas, Anita Hupp (won two games), Joan Green, Paul Wiseman, Laurie Chute, Sherri Feige, Bob Wolbersen, Lawrence Donoghue, Mary…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
SunBird Lions Club Bingo Winners on February 17
Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club Bingo winners on Friday, Feb. 17, are as follows: Kathleen Steorts, Ken Lieth, Joanne Vega, Phyllis Mercer (won two games, including the big win), Sandy Shur, Lori Thomas, James Sidabizas, Janice Sparw, Jay Gaieber, Aaron Acuns, Jean Ciesuak, June Preder, Joanne Sandberg (won two games), Debbie Newell, Codie Norton,…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
SunBird Lions Club Bingo, February 3
Arlene Block The Lions Club Bingo winners for Friday, Feb. 3, were Travis Acuna, Vicki Baker (won two games), Marie Leadenham, Karen Fox, Sherry Feige (won two games), Margaret Ericson, Jim Ruthierfron, Patty Brockey, Kathy Wolberson, Berita Burke, Marlene Fishkel, Mary Johnson, Felicity Dennis, Marilyn Kloster, Barbara Scott, Barb Filiere, Audry Brown, and Trish Carrell,…
Clubs & Classes, March 2023
SunBird Lions Club Bingo
The winners of the Jan. 20 SunBird Lions Club Bingo were Loren Carrel, Colleen O’Leary, Barbara Filiere (won two games), Barbara Scott, Jean Mitchell (won two games), Patti Kareen, Jay Griebel (doubled on one game and also won another game), Barbara Davis, Janet Williamson, Karen Snowden-Jones, Jon Sampson, Sherry Feige, Pam Laningham, and Nina Rizzo…
Clubs & Classes, December 2022
A New Season of SunBird Lions Bingo Begins
Clubs & Classes, March 2022
Join Us for Bingo
Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club Bingo is open to anyone over the age of 18. There are multiple games offering a chance to double the money. This is done when the caller announces the number of calls needed to double the prize. The game pack and patterns will change week to week. The jackpot…
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
SunBird Lions Club
Another Successful Fundraiser Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club members selling tickets for the Patsy to Patsy show, which was held on Wednesday Dec. 29, were Lions LuVan Tran Van Don, Carol Zittel, Arlene Block, Ray Clark, and Fred Garmeson. Tickets sales benefit the many programs that SunBird Lions Club runs to support the community. Thanks…