Tag: golf

Lady 18ers Are Busy this Season!

Margaret Munsch, Publicity The SunBird Lady 18ers have had a busy November and December organizing and participating in a number of golf activities. Six more ladies (Pauline Cantera, Judy Corkery, Karen Hall, Dawn Muench, Zee Walton, and Cindy Wilson) joined our league, for a total of 16 new members this year. We are pleased to…

Golf Course Event Listing

Christina Riley, Marketing & Communications Jan. 13 (Friday): Callaway Golf Tour Fit Experience, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 18 (Wednesday): SBGC Executive Meeting, Apache Room, noon Jan. 20 (Friday): SBGC Monthly Meeting, ballroom, 11 a.m. Jan. 20 (Friday): Founder’s Day Auction—more info to come Jan. 21 (Saturday): Founder’s Day Tournament, TBD Jan. 27 (Friday):…

SunBird Golfing Niners

Gail Schroeder Welcome back to all the SunBird Golfing Niners (Niners) who are returning after their summer break. If you have been away for the summer, as I have, you are looking forward to a new year of golfing with old friends and making new ones. We have a lot of exciting events planned for…

Lady 18ers Kick Off the 2022-23 Season

Margaret Munsch, Publicity The SunBird Ladies League 18ers kicked off their 2022-23 Season on Tuesday, Nov. 1, with a game of golf, followed by a tasty lunch provided by the Horizon Room and a general meeting. The ladies were happy to start another season. At the luncheon, the executive announced that the SunBird Ladies League…

Vehicle and Golf Cart Registration

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator During the summer months, the HOA office catches up on projects that we have difficulty completing during any other time of the year. After going through the vehicle files, we have discovered that many of our files are outdated. Over the years, people purchase new vehicles or golf carts and don’t…