Dean Huyghebaert
Scott Moore
The first Men’s Club meeting for 2023 was held on Jan. 3. This meeting was very well attended. All the tables and chairs were full. I’m not sure what attributed to the large gathering, Dave White’s clarification of some local and USGA rules (16.1, 17.1, 4.3, 14, 14.1, 17, etc., etc., etc.) or Ken Cross’ free donuts and coffee, but it was really nice to see so many members socializing while catching up on current Men’s Club events. I also found it rather interesting to hear how many ways some of us were able to ask Dave the same basic question and for Dave to repeat Rule 16.1! Hopefully, Dave, we’ve got it now!
SunBird Men’s Golf Club (SBMGC) membership stands at 145 golfers as of Jan. 3. Twelve of these members are new to SBMGC, and most of them were introduced in last month’s meeting. We also welcomed our newest member, Jeff Corkery from Iowa, during the January meeting.
John Valentine has spearheaded the drive for many years to collect money donations for the golf course maintenance staff’s Christmas bonuses. While reporting the success of this past Christmas drive during the January meeting, John gave us all notice that 2022 was his last drive. Please consider if you may be able to help fill John’s shoes for 2023.
The annual end-of-year coed step aside golf tournament and awards ceremony is coming up on Friday, March 24. Get your swing grooved up for this, and don’t forget the after-golf luncheon on the patio.
Regarding old business, the Men’s Summer League is still looking for a lead person for 2023. Please see Jack Cooper or Wayne Onyx if you are going to be around for the summer months and are willing to help.
Sandbaggers Roll Call: Well, the lids have finally been taken off some of the par 3s for Thursday Men’s Club play since the last newsletter. After having no holes-in-one for two years, Dean Huyghebaert scored an ace on number 11 on Dec. 15. Then Jack Cooper sunk his tee shot on number 8 on Jan. 5. I was part of Jack’s foursome, and it was a beautiful high shot that bounced four feet in front of the pin and rolled right into the hole. I have not heard of anyone who saw Dean’s shot actually go in, which could lead one to believe that it was “possibly” a wormburner (purely conjecture on my part—his group said they were looking up for the ball). Kidding aside and knowing Dean, I’m sure it was as pretty a shot as Jack’s. Congratulations to both Dean and Jack for their aces, as well as their $100 payouts from Don Hunt. Dean and Jack have each added to their collection of holes-in-one!
To our new members, we have a hole-in-one pot every Thursday. That’s at least seven chances per round (plus short par 4s) to get some of Don’s money!
Until next month, Fore!