Tag: SunBird Men’s Golf Club

Men’s Golf Club News

Scott Moore The SunBird Men’s Golf Club had its first 2024 meeting on Jan. 2, with just over 40 members joining in for coffee and donuts, including our newest member, Jerry Anders. Scott Stohr and the board kicked things off with a bit of old business. One important topic was the open Men’s Club Executive…

Men’s Club Golf News

Scott Moore The first Men’s Club meeting for 2023 was held on Jan. 3. This meeting was very well attended. All the tables and chairs were full. I’m not sure what attributed to the large gathering, Dave White’s clarification of some local and USGA rules (16.1, 17.1, 4.3, 14, 14.1, 17, etc., etc., etc.) or…

SunBird Men’s Golf Club report

The SunBird Men’s Golf Club held its second to last meeting of the 2018-2019 season on Tuesday, March 5. The main order of business was the election of officers and the introduction of committee chairs for the 2019-2020 season. Officers elected were Fred Nixon, president; Bob Johns, vice president; and Patrick Leach, treasurer. The position…