Tag: Board of Directors

Board of Director Elections

Interested in becoming a Board of Directors candidate? Two Board of Director seats will be open for election the end of this year for a term of three years of service. If you are a SunBird homeowner in good standing, willing to meet at least at twice monthly September through June, and are willing to…

SunBird Golf Resort Board election notice

Interested in becoming a Board of Director candidate? Two Board of Director seats will be open for election the end of this year for a term of three years of service. If you are a SunBird homeowner in good standing, willing to meet at least at twice monthly September through June, and be willing to…

Maintenance Department news for July 2016

Marc Francoeur, GCS I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their warm and friendly reception. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors for offering me the positon of Golf Course Superintendent; I am excited to be part of the SunBird GC team! Looks like summer has arrived; the…

Notes from the Board Meeting

President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members in attendance were Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Nancy Eckstein, Gordon Lee, Pat McGonegle, Jean Pritchard (via telephone), Chuck Warren, and Manager Layne Varney. Don Calvert was absent. During Layne Varney’s manager’s report he explained the process for the Change of Use of Land vote. There…

Bocce Ball test site

The Bocce Ball Club, SunBird HOA, Board of Directors and SunBird Golf, Inc. have reached an agreement regarding the bocce ball test site at the intersection of Kerby Farms Road and Championship Drive. The test court has proven very successful with SunBird residents, renters and guests. By making this a permanent site it will add…

Board meeting notes

President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present. Gordon welcomed the many new residents attending the meeting for the first time. Committee Liaison Reports Going Green Committee Held its annual shredding day event on March 17 and Jean Pritchard reported that approximately 3700 pounds of…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes – February 22, 2016

President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present. Gordon welcomed the many new residents attending the meeting for the first time. Committee Liaison Reports Going Green Committee – The committee is continuing to work with the Sun Lakes Fire Department regarding medical alert flash drives. Rules…

Board of Directors meeting notes

President Gordon Lee, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present. Jean Pritchard reported that the Golf Club/HOA Committee met on January 12. The Golf Club reported that ‘no dog’ restriction signs have been installed on the south side of the Clubhouse lake. Anyone with questions/concerns regarding this…

Notes from the Board Meeting

The Board of Directors met Monday, January 4 at 1:00 p.m. in the Ballroom for their annual organizational and election of officers meeting. The following were elected as officers for 2016: Gordon Lee – President, Delores Brown-Knoeppel – Vice President, Don Calvert – Treasurer and Nancy Eckstein – Secretary. Committee liaison appointments were made as…