Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary The Board of Directors had an Agenda Planning and Business Meeting on March 22. The following are notes from this meeting: Members present: Steve Seel, Lisa Onyx, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney. Linda DiPalma was excused. The meeting was called to order by President…
Tag: Board of Directors
Association News, February 2021
Board of Directors 2021 Elections and New Officers
Layne Varney, General Manager The Board of Directors elections are complete, with Jim Anderson, Chuck Heitbrink, Linda DiPalma, and Dirk Close all being elected to serve as directors. The board had an Organizational meeting Jan. 4, and elected officers for the new year: Steve Seel (President), Lisa Onyx (Vice President), Jim Anderson (Treasurer), and Chuck Heitbrink…
Association News, January 2021
Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting
Lisa Onyx, HOA Board Secretary The Board of Directors had a Business Meeting on Nov. 23. The following are notes from this meeting: President Nancy Eckstein called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. All members of the board were present. The Treasurer’s Report, given by Jim Anderson, was accepted. The Manager’s Report, given by…
Association News, December 2020
Board of Directors Elections
Barbara Ott, Elections Committee Chairperson Did you get your ballot? If not, please stop in at the SunBird office for verification and to obtain a ballot. The last day for casting ballots is Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 4 p.m. Ballots will be verified and tallied the following day, and the results posted. Don’t forget to…
Association News, February 2020
Board of Directors Elections
The 2020 Board of Directors elections are completed. Steve Seel, Lisa Oynx, and Bill Ley were elected to serve on the Board. Congratulations! We would like to thank all of the candidates who have volunteered their time and effort to be willing to serve SunBird as a Director. We would also like to thank the…
Association News, January 2020
2020 Board of Directors Elections
Layne Varney The board of directors election results were not complete as of the submission of this article, but they will have been posted at the clubhouse and website and emailed out to the membership. We want to thank all of the candidates who participated and volunteered to serve our community. We also want to thank…
Association News, November 2019
Board of Directors notes
Layne Varney The summer break is over, and the board of directors meetings have resumed. Here are the notes from the September meetings. The board’s business meeting was held on Sept. 23. Directors Nancy Eckstein, Linda DiPalma, Tammy Bachofner, Shirley Clark, Dan Buescher, and Gordon Lee were all present. The meeting was called to order at 10:00…
Association News, November 2019
Introducing your 2020 Board of Directors candidates

Layne Varney This year, the SunBird Golf Resort homeowners association will have three open director seats. Five homeowners have expressed interest in becoming candidates for these positions on the board. The two candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to three-year terms, and the candidate receiving the third number of votes will be elected…
Association News, February 2019
Notes from the Board Meeting
Board of Directors had an Agenda Planning and Business meeting, both on December 10. The following are notes from this meeting: Members Present: Dee Brown-Knoeppel, Don Calvert, Shirley Clark, Linda DiPalma, Nancy Eckstein, Gordon Lee, Bob Moren and Layne Varney, General Manager President Gordon Lee called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Minutes Review…
Association News, December 2018
Board of Directors elections notice
The Board of Director elections are still in progress. The ballot box is located just outside the office in the clubhouse. Voting deadline is Monday, December 17, at 4:00 p.m. Ballots will be verified and tallied by the Election Committee on Tuesday, December 18, and results announced later that day. Thank you to all…