HOA Board of Directors Our current CC&Rs do not allow the HOA to expend any funds on the golf course. The HOA Board of Directors is giving you, the homeowners, the opportunity to approve or disapprove a possible CC&R change which would allow limited financial assistance towards the golf course. What is the fee and…
Category: Association News
Association News, January 2021
Common CDC and SunBird Rules
Layne Varney, General Manager Stay home if sick or have symptoms of sickness, or have been exposed to someone who is sick. Stay home if immunocompromised. If questionable, please stay home and monitor personal health conditions and, if questionable, consult with a medical physician. Wash and sanitize hands often. Avoid touching your face, mouth, or…
Association News, January 2021
Board of Directors Elections
Layne Varney, General Manager The Board of Directors elections are complete. At the time of the writing of this article, the information of voting was not complete. However, notice has been posted in the clubhouse, emailed to the registered SunBird residents, and available on our website. We want to thank the Elections Committee and all…
Association News, January 2021
Renaissance Saved My Life

Erin Fjell, Sales & Marketing Director For many seniors, deciding to stay in their house or taking the leap and moving into a senior living community can be a very difficult decision. For one particular person, the decision became very clear after the death of his beloved wife of 55 years, Ruth. Frank and Ruth…
Association News, January 2021
Cart Path Fee Notice
Brendan Waddell, Golf Course Superintendent A Cart Path Fee of $50 will be assessed for all carts on the golf course. Golf Club members are exempt from this fee and will receive a sticker by early January. All other annual members and residents are required to register before play in January.
Association News, January 2021
Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting
Lisa Onyx, HOA Board Secretary The Board of Directors had a Business Meeting on Nov. 23. The following are notes from this meeting: President Nancy Eckstein called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. All members of the board were present. The Treasurer’s Report, given by Jim Anderson, was accepted. The Manager’s Report, given by…
Association News, January 2021
Thank You!
Layne Varney, General Manager On behalf of all of SunBird, we would like to thank Nancy Eckstein and Bill Ley for their service on the board of directors. Both of their terms expired at the end of December. This past year has been very challenging with COVID-19 and the many quick and difficult decisions that had to…
Association News, January 2021
SunBird Post Office Hours
Jan Griffin, Manager For those returning after the holidays, please be sure to check in with the SunBird Post Office and the HOA. Our hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, closed Saturdays and holidays. Our phone number is 489-802-6783. We cannot accept bills larger than a $20 before 10 a.m. and…
Association News, January 2021
Patrol Report
Chief Catri I am happy to inform everyone that the year 2020 is officially over. Back in January of 2020 in China, a strange new virus began to spread, it’s presence a silent clock counting down to the time it would bring the world to its knees. Back in June, I was already thinking about…
Association News, January 2021
Manager’s Report
Layne Varney, General Manager 2021 is finally here! Many stayed up late New Year’s Eve just to make sure that the clock passed by midnight, leaving 2020 behind and in the past. The year 2020 will go down in the history books forever for posterity to read about some day in the future and wonder…