Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The Board of Directors had an Agenda Planning and Business meeting on May 24. The following are notes from this meeting:

Members present: Steve Seel, Lisa Onyx, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Linda DiPalma, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney.

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Seel at 10 a.m.

The board reviewed the minutes of the April 26, 2021, business meeting.

A motion was made by Steve to approve the minutes, seconded by Jim. Approved 7/0.

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Jim. He advised the board that the Contingency Fund now has a balance of $212,000, with a goal of $500,000. He stated that the auditors had completed their audit and provided a finalized, unmodified report. The board was reminded that the PPP Loan and Forgiveness would be added to the 2021 financials.

The Manager’s Report was presented by Layne.

COVID-19 Report—The COVID-19 vaccination clinics are complete. More than 300 residents took advantage of the clinics. Special thanks to Wendy Weber for her coordination of the effort. SunBird will continue with face mask protocol until May 1. The staff will continue to wear masks until further notice. Most areas of the clubhouse are now open.

Administration—There are two lots that owe fees from 2020 or longer and are in foreclosure. Six lots owe for six months or less, and 26 lot owners are making monthly payments. The current delinquency rate is less than one-half of one percent. Home sales are up for the first quarter, with 46 sales complete, and 11 have closed in April.

The Arizona Annual Corporation Commission report has been filed.

Horizon Room Operations—Food and beverage sales are up 94% over projection for March and 53% for the first quarter. Dining room hours with full menu are now 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. for weekdays, and 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on weekends. Breakfast options have been added to the menu. Happy hour has been extended from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. weekdays. New items have been added to the appetizer menu, including popcorn.

Clubhouse—The 400 new folding chairs have arrived and are already being used in the ballroom. The dual-paned windows for the Navajo and Hopi Rooms are installed. The equipment in the Fitness Room has had a preventive inspection by an outside contractor. The road maintenance work for the summer is going out to bid.

Landscape Common Area—A new maintenance cart has been purchased. The first cycle of trimming of plants and shrubbery is two-thirds complete. Annual tree trimming will begin in late May and June, and the palm trees will be trimmed in July. The Light and Irrigation Replacement project will be completed this summer. New SunBird signage has been installed at the corner of Riggs and Cooper.

Patrol—The board thanked Tom Catri for his service and welcomed Dan Russell to the position of Patrol Chief. Dan has already been dealing with loose dogs, gates malfunctioning, and three employees out for surgery. A new “motherboard” was installed on the Riggs Road gates, and a vehicle was caught entering the exit at the Hunt gate and destroyed all four tires. If residents experience any solicitation at their home, contact the Patrol.

A motion was made by Steve to approve the CC&R Amendment with a May 1 implementation date. Seconded by Linda. Approved 7/0.

Committee Reports:

Project Review and Planning Committee—The handrails and awnings previously approved will be installed during June and July. The committee recommended that 70 chairs for the Horizon Room be replaced. The current chairs will be sold. The cost of the new chairs is estimated to be $4,350 and will be funded from the Replacement Fund. A motion to accept the proposal was made by Dan and seconded by Lisa. Motion approved 7/0.

The committee recommended that two custom booths be added to the corners of the Horizon Room and reupholster the existing booths and install acoustical tiles in the Horizon Room. The estimated cost of the project will be $13,106.06 and funded from the Capital Improvement Fund. The booths will accommodate 22 guests and will eliminate one four-top table. It was recommended that the committee review the height of the new booths so that the view would not be impacted. A motion was made to accept the proposal by Dan and seconded by Steve. Motion approved 7/0.

Architectural Control Committee—66 permits were approved in March and 54 so far this month. The fruit picking is still in progress, and the board thanked the volunteers for their service. New colors were presented to the board and homeowners. The committee will present a final proposal on the new colors at a future board meeting.

Finance Committee—The committee reviewed the monthly financial statement and approved the positive financial position. The unmodified audit report was presented. The insurance policy was reviewed, and no changes were recommended by the carrier. The Capital Improvement Fund was also reviewed.

Welcoming and Marketing Committee—The committee will explore the possibility of hosting another New Homeowners event in May. The committee recommended that Bob DeMatteo be added to the committee. Motion made by Chuck. Seconded by Steve. Motion approved 7/0.

Rules and Regulations Committee—the committee recommended that an additional item be added to the Rules and Regulations booklet: Item 11 be added to the purpose statement of the Charter to say that a complete review of the entire Rules and Regulations booklet be complete every five years. Motion made by Linda and seconded by Dirk. Motion approved 7/0. The committee recommended that Frances Stewart be added to the committee. Motion made by Linda and seconded by Lisa. Motion approved 7/0.

HOA/Golf Club Committee—The committee discussed the CC&R Amendment and the next steps which were approved earlier in the meeting.

The Halfway Hut Operations were discussed:

The Golf Club has contracted with a vendor to provide grab and go items for golf patrons as they enjoy their golf round.

Electrical and water usage was discussed.

Cross advertisement will be in place between the Halfway Hut and the Horizon Room.

Golf carts will be placed west of the U in the morning for incoming golfers and moved out of the U area by noon. The golf course will be draining the lake on hole 17 due to extreme algae build-up. The Golf Club has asked to work with the HOA on establishing a Second Annual Father’s Day fishing contest. The committee recommended that a Green Up donation request be included in the semiannual HOA dues statement. Motion approved 7/0.

The board reviewed Goal #2 of the Board of Directors Goals. The Safety Task Force (six residents and Layne) recommended that the existing outdated Automated External Defibrillators (AED) be replaced and that SunBird join the Arizona Department of Health SHARE Program to assure compliance with state statutes. Pat Kelly did extensive research and obtained three quotes. The preferred vendor is Action Workplace Services. The total for three AEDs is $4,128.62. The SunBird Lion’s Club graciously offered to fund this project. SunBird will be responsible for paying for the training classes. Motion to accept the proposal was made by Lisa and seconded by Linda. Motion approved 7/0.

The Task Force also recommended updating the current first aid kits and providing consistent supplies in each of the kits. It was also recommended that additional first aid kits be placed in the ballroom, the sports court area, and the work trucks. The cost of the project is $1,622.17, which will be paid for by the SunBird Lion’s Club. A motion to accept the proposal by Lisa and seconded by Linda. Motion approved 7/0. The board thanked the SunBird Lion’s Club for their generous gift.

The comments were reviewed.

Replace the treads on the steps from the first to second floor. This will be accomplished this summer when the appropriate temperature is reached for proper application.

The handicap parking signs need to be repainted. This will occur this summer.

Changes in the restaurant need to be made. Chuck is working with Layne, and several changes have already been implemented. More changes are planned.

The last group to have a banquet meal reported that the food was exceptionally good.

The water cooler on the sports court will be upgraded to a larger capacity.

Comments from the homeowners will be reviewed by the board via email following the Business meeting, assigned, and as necessary, presented at the following board meeting within the comments section.

Steve advised the board members to review their assigned goals and be prepared to discuss them at the May board meeting.

With no further business, President Steve Seel adjourned the meeting at 11:17 p.m.

The next Business meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 27, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom.

Have a safe and healthy summer.