Tag: BIngo

Social Events

SunBird Lions Bingo Friday, Feb. 2 and 16, Ballroom, 5:30 p.m. SunBird Lions Bingo is back for another exciting season. As usual, our season runs through April on the first and third Friday of the month. Ticket sales begin at 5:30 p.m., and the first game begins at 6:30 p.m. There are 15 games nightly.…

Social Events

SunBird Lions Bingo Friday, Jan. 5 and 19, Ballroom, 5:30 p.m. SunBird Lions Bingo is back for another exciting season. As usual, our season runs through April on the first and third Friday of the month. Ticket sales begin at 5:30 p.m., and the first game begins at 6:30 p.m. There are 15 games nightly.…

Lions Club Bingo Update

Arlene Block SunBird Lions Club Bingo is held the first and third Friday of each month through April in the SunBird ballroom. It is open to the public. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to play. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. You can get a table with your group or come and…

SunBird Lions Club: Bingo is Back

Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club is happy to be back to our Bingo games in the SunBird Golf Resort ballroom. Mark your calendar for the first and third Friday of each month through April. The games are open to the public, and we have a new caller (Verne Green) and all new games. Bingo…

Lions Club

December Bingo Winners The following people were the lucky winners at the SunBird Lions Club Bingo on Friday, Dec. 16: Kay Schroeter, Tina Moresi (won two games), Debbie Newell (won two games), Carol Ditton, Pat Thiede, Nancy Ott (won two games), Taylor Price, Maura Mosley, Kim Price, Laurie Glor, Sandra Baller, Marlene Fishkel, Linda Young,…

SunBird Lions Club

Bingo Winners Arlene Block The following were Double Your Money winners and other lucky winners from SunBird Lions Club Bingo held on Friday, March 18: John Archinger (won three games), James Jerome, Joan Green, Patty Brocky, Kathy Schoenborn, Carol Oakley, Lucille Tweit, Maura Mosley, Carolyn Kern, Mona Rice, Kim Price, Marilyn Klooster, Lynn Mollohan, Bob…

Lions Club January 21, 2022 Bingo Winners

Arlene Block The winners for the Lions Club Bingo held Friday, Jan. 21, were Sandy Schur, Kay Schmeter, Maura Mosley, Nancy King, Paula Curtis, Kim Hollingsheed, Danita Cyroner, Mona Rice, Christine Leers won two games, Phillip Sauson, Karen Snowden-Jones, Felicia Stenberg, Mary Beth Kaba, who won two games, Jeff Carlson, Kathleen McDonald, Karen Stenberg, Marilyn…

Join Us for Bingo

Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club Bingo is open to anyone over the age of 18. There are multiple games offering a chance to double the money. This is done when the caller announces the number of calls needed to double the prize. The game pack and patterns will change week to week. The jackpot…

Bingo Notice

Bingo is held the first and third Friday of the month at SunBird Golf Resort. It is open to all, except we ask that no one under eight years of age attend, and you must be 18 years of age or older to play. Sanitizers are available, and masks are not required. Snacks are available.…

Lions Club Bingo winners

Arlene Block The winners from the first SunBird Lions Club Bingo were Rhonda Malta, Arden Wolownik, Kathy Adams, Fran Lyman, Vicky Baker (twice), Linda Hearn, Sandra Airhinger, Charlene Loomis (twice), Dorothy Mills, William E. Ridgway, Mona Rice (twice), Joyce Dougal, Cindy Vig, and Kim Price, who won the big jackpot of $146. Thank you to…