Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

SunBird’s email news group

SunBird has an email newsletter and special-notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for the SunBird email list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at and click on the icon picture of the email chimp (monkey) at the bottom of the…

Spring Fling with essential oils

Jo Anne Gaudioso Are you ready for your Spring Fling? At this time of the year, many of us are motivated to freshen up our homes, maybe do a little decluttering and get ready for some seasonal threats. Since using Essential Oils, I have discovered so many wonderful options to help me with these spring…

Chandler’s upcoming Code Enforcement

Recently, the City of Chandler’s Code Enforcement Office mailed out an advisory announcement that “Coming soon, Code Enforcement Inspectors will be visiting Chandler’s neighborhoods.” These inspectors are dedicated to work with all Chandler citizens to preserve all neighborhoods from blight and protect the public health, safety and welfare. SunBird’s Architectural Control Committee has the same…

The spirit of charity

Rosie Vanderveen We welcomed new members of Kare Bears: Sue Buescher, Marcie Franklin-Gascoyne and Emmy Belcourt. Jan Davey from St Peter’s mission in Bapchule AZ, was the guest speaker at our meeting. St. Peter’s is located in the Gila River Indian Community whose capital is Sacaton. It also is the home of the famous Tohono…

Ladies 18ers are in full swing this season

On January 13 at the Couples Net Shootout, the last teams standing were George Jones and Melissa Craig (2nd), Sue Koslofsky and Ron Morgan (1st) and Jackie Huyghebert and Fred Nixon (3rd). We also held our annual Solheim Cup event on January 22 and 29. This is a two-week net match play between Americans and…