Frank Nechvatal President Nechvatal called the November meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. A short Business Meeting followed with salad and pizza being served. We had a table at the Community Day Festival; Gloria and Eileen manned the table from 11:00 a.m.-noon, Rich and Bill from noon-1:00 p.m. and Charlotte and…
Category: December 2016
Community News, December 2016
SunBird Personalities

Bob Neuman When a little girl named Toni was born into a Pennsylvania family consisting of brother and sister, she had no inkling of the exciting life she would live. Her mother was a housewife. Her father with an engineering degree traveled as a salesman. After high school and wanting to be a secretary, she…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Women’s Connection hosts holiday brunch
Susan Reynhout, Publicity Chairman It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Celebrate the holidays with friends at a festive brunch. Enjoy a delicious brunch, beautiful music, and an inspirational message especially for the season. It’s a lovely way to reconnect with friends at this special time of the year. Invite all your friends in…
Community News, December 2016
Footnotes from the library
Marilyn Klooster Greetings and hugs for the holidays from the SunBird Library volunteers! At this time of year, many of us are making lists and checking them twice. It is during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas when we experience the heart and spirit of love for one another. We will be busily wrapping gifts,…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook It’s the holiday season! Here are some award winning products that you may not have heard about that could be an extra special something to give yourself to make life at home that much better! All of us love low home maintenance! Keeping tile, grout, and especially glass walls or door in the…
Community News, December 2016
174-year Old Zoppe Italian Family Circus returns to Chandler Center of the Arts
The Zoppé Italian Family Circus takes family entertainment to new heights this year, performing matinée and evening shows from December 27 through January 8 under the intimate, one-ring tent in Chandler, AZ. Tickets are $15-$40. The Zoppé Circus brings an all new show for its eighth year to Chandler. This fresh new show will host…
Community News, December 2016
Concerned, caring, contributing, continuance
Rosie VanderVeen The first Kare Bear meeting of the season took place on October 19. New Board members Deanna Calvert, Carol Weatherbee, Margaret Spear and Linda Bengston (not present) as well as previous board member Barb Dunbar were installed. Deanna asked that we wear our name badges at meetings and events. This will facilitate and…
Association News, December 2016
Board notes – October 24, 2016
The Board of Directors met at 10:00 a.m. All members were present (Chuck Warren via telephone). Layne Varney was also in attendance. Layne reported that 108 homes have been sold so far this year. The Food and Beverage Operations continues to grow in sales and service. The fish fry is growing in attendance and Sunday…
Clubs & Classes, December 2016
Tap Dance into the New Year
Start the New Year off learning new tap steps and fitting them into a dance routine! We will learn combinations of tap steps, work on balance and coordination and add names of steps to our memory bank. Participants need to be familiar with steps such as Flap, Shuffle, Ball-change and have some kind of dance…
Card Games & Sports, December 2016
SunBird Golf Club Board looking for candidates
Two Director positions will become vacant on the SunBird Golf Board at the end of 2016. Anyone interested in being a candidate for the SunBird Golf Club Board may pick up the form in the Pro Shop. Completed forms must be submitted to the Pro Shop or Nominating Committee Chairperson Jackie Huyghebaert by December 23,…