Category: July 2022

Relishing Pickleball: The Dink

David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals: Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, “to properly execute a dink, stand just behind the non-volley zone line in a good ready position—well balanced, with your body weight over your feet and the knees slightly bent. Hold the paddle in front of your…

Desert Navy Update

Richard Volpe The month of July always brings about a new sense of excitement no matter where you are, as the summer is in full swing and the 4th of July weekend is filled with places to go and family and friends to see. Like many clubs in the area, the Desert Navy puts many…

Word of the Month: Eggcorn

David Zapatka Is it just me or are you hearing this too? It seems more people are using words or phrases that sound like but are mistakenly used in a semi-logical or seemingly plausible way for the correct word or phrase either on its own or as part of an expression. While at Rudy’s BBQ,…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook Over time, we can get used to how our home looks and functions and not realize that, with some remodeling, one can level up their experience and enjoyment. The National Association of Home Builders surveyed recent home buyers and ranked the top features they wanted. Here are the top 10 and the percentage who…

SunBird American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal A tip of the Tyrolean hat to all of our members for a wunderbar season. We finished out this past season with our Patio Party. Our club will be in recess until September when we will begin the 2022-23 season on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. That meeting…

Arizona Rangers – Sun Lakes Company

The Arizona Rangers is an unpaid, non-commissioned civilian auxiliary that is available for the purpose of assisting and supporting law enforcement in the State of Arizona. The Arizona Rangers’ primary mission is to provide a professional presence of armed and well-trained law enforcement auxiliary personnel to positively promote, preserve, and enhance a safe, secure, comfortable,…

The Heat Is On

Summer has officially hit Arizona, as we have already reached several 110-plus-degree days last month, and temperatures will continue to rise as we head into the dog days of summer. Remember, summer in Arizona is more than hot—it can be dangerous. Learn how to stay safe in extreme heat! • Each summer, heat illness sends…