Scott Moore Thursday play for the SunBird Men’s Club is well underway as of the 2023 new year. The second monthly Men’s Club meeting was held on Dec. 6. The turnout was good, with 35 to 40 members in attendance. Keep in mind these meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month in the…
Category: Card Games & Sports
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes for Everyone!
Maria Davis FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of Bridge classes starting in January. Learn with Better Bridge Certified Instructors Karin Hansen, Gordon Markham, and Maria Davis. Back by popular demand! Have fun. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating FUN da MENTAL Bridge lessons over the past several…
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
The Marathon Is Back!
The Bocce Ball Club of SunBird is excited to be offering marathon play during the Winter of 2023. The competition will run Jan. 14 through March 18 and will consist of two-person teams. Winners and cash prizes will be awarded. The marathon consists of your two-person team playing about 10 games against other teams from…
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
Hand and Foot
Yvonne Beloney and Shirley Goodman We meet on Tuesday in the new room (called the Apache Room), which is on the third floor. We play year round. We start playing at noon. Come and join us, and please arrive by 11:45 a.m. so you can either pick a table or draw cards for partners. Buy-in…
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
Lady 18ers Are Busy this Season!

Margaret Munsch, Publicity The SunBird Lady 18ers have had a busy November and December organizing and participating in a number of golf activities. Six more ladies (Pauline Cantera, Judy Corkery, Karen Hall, Dawn Muench, Zee Walton, and Cindy Wilson) joined our league, for a total of 16 new members this year. We are pleased to…
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
Golf Course Issues
Don’t forget! Please report all requests or issues regarding the golf course to the Golf Shop by calling 480-883-0820 or stopping in. We work closely with the superintendent to ensure these items are addressed.
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
Bridge Quips
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
Card Scores
Tuesday and Friday Texas Hold’em Vic Kinser We meet at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday in the Navajo Room. We play a tournament-style Texas Hold’em Poker game with a $5 buy-in. Approximate payout for 1st 60%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 10%, plus a separate pot for high hand of the night. New players (men and…
Card Games & Sports, January 2023
SBGC President’s Report
Dave White, President, SunBird Golf Club We are now into our third month of play since we opened after overseed. The bare spots in the fairways are starting to improve but need more care. We have had fungus invade some of the greens, and we are actively spraying for it. SunBird Golf Resort has been…