Tag: hiking

Summer Hiking at Its Best

Warren Wasescha For club hikers who spend summers in places like Colorado or Washington State, you’ve got a pretty good thing going with hiking in cooler weather. If you’re in SunBird and Sun Lakes in July, hiking can be a bit more challenging due to the heat but just as enjoyable with a bit of…

Too Hot for Hiking?

Warren Wasescha What a summer this has been. Hopefully, by the time you read this article, the Valley has cooled off a bit. If you were lucky enough to travel to cooler areas, I’m sure you took in some hiking. If you were here during the heat, I hope you stayed away from the trails…

SunBird Hiking Club

Pictured (left to right) are Carol Martin, Fran Stewart, Jim Anderson, Julie Anderson, Jack Phillips, and Jeanne Berte.

Carol Martin The SunBird Hiking Club has been busy enjoying spectacular area hikes on Wednesday mornings! On Dec. 2, six members, including Carol Martin, Fran Stewart, Jim Anderson, Julie Anderson, Jack Phillips, and Jeanne Berte, hiked six miles on the stunning Wild Horse Trail in the Usery Mountains. New members are welcome. For information, call…