Sue Prudencio The American Irish Club has many upcoming events. We will be hosting a Wild Wild West Casino Night on Jan. 18 in the ballroom. All are welcome! We will have a western theme. Dress in your western or saloon girl attire. The price will be $25 per person. Ticket sales will be held…
Tag: American Irish Club
May 2024, Front Page
American Irish Club Gets the Paddy Started
Phyllis Zaccone, Publicity Chairman March was a great month for the American Irish Club. It began with our Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner and Basket Raffle. The evening started with a nice dinner, followed by music performed by The Rusty Parts. Great job, everyone. Sharon VanGruensven headed up a committee to prepare baskets. She did…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
SunBird American Irish Club
Phyllis Zaccone, Publicity Chairman The SunBird American Irish Club officers are as follows: President Val Bongiorno, Vice President Phyllis Zaccone, Treasurer Mary Alibrandi, and Secretary Sue Prudencio. The American Irish Club’s latest event was a trip to Barleens in Apache Junction. A great time was had by all. The meal was delicious, and the show…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
SunBird American Irish Club Upcoming Events
Phyllis Zaccone, Publicity Chairman The American Irish Club welcomes 2024. With our officers, President Val Bongiorno, Vice President Phyllis Zaccone, Treasurer Mary Alibrandi, and Secretary Sue Prudencio, we are anticipating another fun-filled year, which will include the following upcoming events: St. Patrick’s Day celebration, including dinner, drinks, dancing, and a fundraiser basket sale on March…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
American Irish Club Update
Mary Pilon, Publicity The first meeting of the Irish Club was held on Thursday, Nov. 4, on the clubhouse patio. Our new president, Val Bongiomo, opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag, then introduced himself to the members and welcomed new members. Our new officers and committee chairpersons were introduced. The board has…
Clubs & Classes, May 2021
American-Irish Club Recap
Mary Pilon, Publicity On April 1, the Irish Club board members held their final meeting of this season. Because we were unable to have any meetings, parties, or trips for the entire year, the meeting was quite informative. The following topics were discussed: The first meeting of the 2021-22 season will be held on Thursday,…
Clubs & Classes, February 2021
American-Irish Club Recap
Mary Pilon, Publicity A very happy and prosperous New Year to all! I’m sure we all are hopeful that 2021 will see an end to COVID’s threat and the restoring of peace and harmony in our beautiful country. 2020 was quite a stressful year for all of us. I pray that in 2021 we will…
Clubs & Classes, December 2020
American-Irish Club News
Mary Pilon, Publicity ‘Tis the season—at last! This has been quite a challenging year and, hopefully, 2021 will restore some normalcy for everyone. To celebrate the season and share our blessings with the less fortunate, the Irish Club has planned the following events: 1. Our annual toy drive will take place on Dec. 15. Unwrapped…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
American/Irish Club Update
Mary Pilon, Publicity Because of the upheaval caused by COVID-19, it is impossible to predict any meetings, activities, or general news for our Irish Club season beginning in October. I just wanted to touch base with our members and pray that you all are safe and well. When this pandemic is over, I’m sure we…
Clubs & Classes, March 2020
American/Irish Club Notice
Mary Pilon, Publicity Faith and Begorrah! We just returned from our annual outing to Laughlin on Feb. 4, 5, and 6. Everyone enjoyed our trip very much. Many games and drawings were held on the bus, many treats were handed out, and many laughs were shared. A huge thank you to George Richardson and his…