Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Staying on the Right Track

Harry Huckemeyer Now that all the holiday festivities are sadly a thing of the past and our New Year’s resolutions are well documented, we all have the opportunity for a fresh start. For the Short Line Model Railroad Club, the present time is the time for planning, and we will hopefully continue to participate in…

Italian Club News

Frank Nechvatal Happy New Year to our Italian Club members. Hope you enjoyed our Christmas Party held at Floridino’s restaurant. The food was outstanding. As we begin 2025, we look forward to our meetings, which are held on the second Thursday of each month through April. SunBird residents who are interested in Italian culture are…

Line Dancing News

The SunBird Line Dancers are having a great time learning new dances. We meet each Saturday at 9 a.m., usually in the ballroom (occasionally in the Navajo Room when the ballroom is not available). We focus on beginner level line dances, but we’ve been learning new fast dances and having fun! We’ve also met at…

American Irish Club

Sue Prudencio The American Irish Club has many upcoming events. We will be hosting a Wild Wild West Casino Night on Jan. 18 in the ballroom. All are welcome! We will have a western theme. Dress in your western or saloon girl attire. The price will be $25 per person. Ticket sales will be held…