Michele Michaels, the Hard of Hearing Program Manager at the AZ Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, will lead us through some scenarios where hearing is challenging. We will leave the meeting feeling empowered and more in control of our ability to hear, listen, comprehend and communicate with others. Please join us…
Category: December 2018
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
Art Club news
Sharon Eade To think, the Christmas holidays are already upon us. Our Art Club members are busy with decorating our homes and entertaining friends and families. But no matter the season, we still find the time to keep our pencils and pens moving and our brushes wet as we spend time together enjoying one…
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
Dancing Soft Shoe with Joan
This class is for people who love to dance and enjoy learning new dance steps. We wear smooth-soled shoes and learn choreographed routines to familiar songs, such as “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” and “Singing in the Rain.” Besides having a ton of fun, you will improve your balance, coordination and memorization skills. It is…
Card Games & Sports, December 2018
It’s hot and getting hotter; not the weather, but pickleball
People have been pickling since the ‘60s, but in the last couple of years, it has really grown quickly. The SunBird Pickleball Club plays Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Fridays from 7:00 to 10:30 a.m. and some Saturdays. Pickleball is a paddle sport created…
Community News, December 2018
Christmas services at Community Church of SunBird
Card Games & Sports, December 2018
News from Lady 18ers

Dana Marrs Our 2018-2019 golf season is active now. You can find us on the course every Tuesday morning enjoying the beautiful fairways and greens produced by fall overseeding and remarkable summer care. We play shotgun starts in foursomes arranged by our daily play organizer. The foursomes are built with handicaps in mind; our handicaps…
Card Games & Sports, December 2018
Bridge Results
Monday Afternoon Bridge Melvin Huser 10/01. 1st Rose Brown, 2nd Peggy White, 3rd Beth Miller 10/08. 1st Rose Brown, 2nd Arlie Mulder, 3rd Mary Jo Howe 10/15. 1st Lavonne Buland, 2nd Marlys Haslow, 3rd Larry Schornborn 10/22. 1st Peggy White, 2nd Mary Jo Howe, 3rd Barb Ott 10/29. 1st Karlene Garn, 2nd Betty Nobiling,…
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
Rowin Floth – Rotarian of the Month

Dick Nelson Rotarian of the Month for November is the deserving Rowin Floth who leads the Sun Lakes Rotary Club each year in our Veterans Day recognition. In addition, Rowin is President of the Sun Lakes Rotary Foundation 2000, delivers the Splash to 500 driveways each month and helps in all club events. Rowin is a…
Clubs & Classes, December 2018
Bingo Nights start again
The SunBird Lions Club hosts a Bingo Night the first and third Friday during the months of November through April. During the Bingo games, coffee, water, cookies, brownies and a variety of chips are available for a small donation. The last Bingo Night was November 2, 2018, in the ballroom of the SunBird Recreation Center.…
Community News, December 2018
Call for shelving volunteers at Ed Robson Library
The Ed Robson Library in Sun Lakes is in need of shelving volunteers. One slot is for Monday afternoons from approximately 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., and the other is for Tuesday mornings from approximately 10:30 a.m. to noon, depending on the number of items to be shelved. Items include books, music CDs, audiobooks, DVDs…