Category: Card Games & Sports

CRAB No More

After 14 years of raising money for capital expenses for the golf course, the CRAB Tournament Committee has disbanded. Neither the annual November tournament nor the community auction will run this year. The Golf Board has declared that all proceeds be earmarked for general revenue, so we no longer have a mandate to direct our…

Enhance Your Immune System with Essential Oils

JoAnne Gaudioso As the seasons change, we are reminded everywhere to take important steps to enhance our body’s ability to protect itself. Doctors and pharmacies remind us it is time to update our vaccinations with booster shots and get our flu shots. When the immune system is compromised, the risk of getting sick increases significantly.…

Friday 9-Hole Couples Golf

Welcome back to all of our snowbirds! A few of your faithful friends have continued to play throughout the hot summer, and we are ready to have more of you join us as we begin this new season. If you love golf and you love to enjoy the fellowship of others, this group is for…

Golf Course Event Listing

Christina Riley, Assistant Golf Shop Manager Nov. 2 (Wednesday): Wine & Beer Tasting Event, 4 to 7 p.m. Nov. 13 (Sunday): U.S. Kids, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 18 (Friday): SBGC Monthly Meeting, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the ballroom Nov. 19 (Saturday): Go Off Cart Path Dec. 16 (Friday): SBGC Monthly Meeting, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.…

News from the SunBird Golf Shop

Laurie Kelech, Golf Shop Manager Five Ways to Get Ready for the Season It’s a magical time of year for golfers. It’s the end of summer, and the snowbirds are starting to return. 1. Audit Your Clubs Before you take your first swing after overseed, make sure to give your clubs a good once over.…

Play on the Wild Side—Golf with the Rattlesnakes

The SunBird Rattlesnakes will be playing Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, November through March. We play a flighted, modified Stableford format with individual competition. This format assigns fixed points for your stroke score on each hole. “Snake of the Season,” closest to the pin, and progressive KPs are fun and challenging contests with opportunities to win…

Pre and Post Overseed

Laurie Kelech, Golf Shop Manager Here is what you were seeing a few days before closing for overseed. We began by thatching and spraying the course in preparation for the seed. The course changed color as the grass died off in preparation for the new rye seed. With the cooler temperatures and lots of water,…

Procedure #2a, Pace of Play

SunBird Golf Club is committed to providing an enjoyable Pace of Play for all golfers. To enhance your experience, the following Pace of Play goals were developed: 1) The Golden Rule: Groups shall keep up with the groups in front of them. If a group falls behind, they should step up play, bypass a hole,…