Procedure #2a, Pace of Play

SunBird Golf Club is committed to providing an enjoyable Pace of Play for all golfers. To enhance your experience, the following Pace of Play goals were developed:

1) The Golden Rule: Groups shall keep up with the groups in front of them. If a group falls behind, they should step up play, bypass a hole, or let the group behind play through. The player assistant is authorized to enforce such action as deemed necessary to create an appropriate pace of play. Tournament Pace of Play shall be monitored by the respective tournament committees.

2) Groups are “in position” if:

a) they are caught up to the group in front, or

b) if they have completed their last hole in the time allocated to that particular hole.

c) Golfers should complete 18-holes on the SunBird Golf Course in a maximum of 3 hours and 35 minutes.

3) You may only retrieve your own golf ball from the lakes during play. All other balls are the property of the golf course.

4) Play “ready golf.” Limit practice swings, take your shot if no one else is hitting, be prepared to putt when it’s your turn, and write down scores at the next tee box.