Leo Buries, Jean Pritchard, Gordon Lee, General Manager Layne Varney and Horizon Room Food and Beverage Director Julie Mathis met on April 28. Horizon Room Vision Statement: To provide residents with a social gathering place to enjoy a resort lifestyle atmosphere that offers high quality food and beverages. All food and beverages will be served…
Category: Association News
Association News, July 2015
Patrol Report
Thomas Catri It has been a very interesting first month on the job. During that time, I have been able to meet more of our residents, talk to the Board of Directors and our Rules Compliance Committee to answer some of their questions and to find out what is a matter of interest or importance…
Association News, July 2015
Manager’s Report

It’s a busy place at SunBird! The Clubhouse swimming pool enlargement project is moving along. The demolition of the old swimming pool, Jacuzzi, decking and walls has been completed. The new swimming pool and Jacuzzi has been dug, plumbed, re-barred and shotcreted. The new bathroom has been built. Both Maricopa County and City of Chandler…
Association News, July 2015
Notes from the board meeting
The May 18 HOA Board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present (Jean Pritchard via telephone). The minutes of the April 27 Business Meeting and the May 11 Agenda Planning Meeting were approved. Gordon Lee gave the Treasurer’s report. Layne Varney gave his manager’s report. The second…
Association News, July 2015
It’s time to trim your palm trees
Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator Just a friendly reminder that as summer is approaching us it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. Pruning should be performed no more than once a year if done, preferably at the end of June or July. Please determine if it is time for you to prune your palm…
Association News, July 2015
Word of the Month: Ephemeral vs. Ethereal
David Zapatka Reader, friend and fellow table tennis player, June Wagner, explains that the words “ephemeral” and “ethereal” are sometimes used inappropriately since they sound so familiar. They are very different. “Ephemeral” (əˈfem(ə)rəl) refers to something that is brief, fleeting or quickly passing. “Ethereal” (əˈthirēəl) refers to something lacking material substance, marked by unusual delicacy…
Association News, July 2015
Do you know?
Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator The Architectural Control Committee is in the process of forming two subcommittees within the ACC Committee to work on two important issues. The first subcommittee will be working on reviewing the ACC Guidelines for the golf course walls on private properties (ACC Guidelines, page seven, item no. 1). Many of these…
Association News, July 2015
Email news group
SunBird has an e-mail newsletter and special notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for this SunBird e-mail list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at sunbirdhoa.com and click on the icon picture of the e-mail chimp (monkey) at the top of…
Association News, July 2015
Sunday breakfast buffet
Sunday breakfast buffet is now available each Sunday for $8.50. For lighter diners we will now be offering a small list for order off the menu. The Horizon Room is open for Sunday breakfast from 8:00 a.m.-noon. We look forward to seeing you.
Association News, July 2015
Post office news
Going on an extended vacation? Remember, the SunBird Post Office will hold your mail for an indefinite length of time and forward your mail to you once a week or as often as requested. The cost for each mailing is $7.75. Visit the SunBird Post Office for details of this service or call 480-802-6783. We…