JoAnne Gaudioso Don’t let the bugs bug you this spring. Watching a gorgeous sunset? Hiking to a lake for scenic swim? Getting out to play a round of golf? Throwing your annual barbeque with loved ones or friends? Nothing can ruin the perfect outdoors moment like pesky mosquitoes and insects. Spring is also a time…
Category: Community News
Community News, May 2022
Library Update
First, a big thank you to the snowbirds who have remembered to return their library items before their trip back north. Your library may have items that surprise you! One of our SunBird people discovered that while searching the Large Print section, she discovered that a favorite author was in large print—Patterson! Then she found…
Community News, May 2022
Director Appreciation
The SunBird Singers’ synergy Is greater than the sum Of soprano, alto, tenor, base And the notes where they come from It’s clearly the integration Of the parts that were selected And even tho’ we’re old and wise We surely need direction! So Pat and Kim and Mike take pains To cajole and beg and…
Community News, May 2022
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook There are two major annual home remodeling industry shows: the International Builders Show (IBS) and Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) where training is offered, professionals are recognized, and vendors can showcase their products. Both offer award recognition for the most innovative and best in design for home improvement products. It is good…
Community News, May 2022
Welcome New Neighbors
Bob and Bobbi Frawley Hometown/State: Show Low, Ariz. Bob and Bobbi have been married for 43 years and have two children. Rick and Joyce Berry Hometown/State: Los Angeles, Ca. Rick and Joyce have been married 38 years and have four children. Thomas S. and Diana J. Hansen Hometown/State: Ogden, Utah Thomas and Diana have been…
Community News, May 2022
Summer at the Community Church of SunBird
May brings warm sun and the breathtaking beauty of many of our native Arizona plants. Also coming alive in May is the Summer Session of the Community Church of SunBird. We gather to worship with enthusiasm the year-round faithfulness of God. We celebrate our personal relationship that He makes possible with His followers. Our dress…
Community News, May 2022
Put Your Creativity to Work
Community News, May 2022
New Adventures In Learning

What’s New with New Adventures? Jan Bobbett and Mary Kenny New Adventures volunteers have been very busy preparing for the summer semester and are now able to share what’s in store starting in June. So, let’s get ready. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting summer semester! Registration will start at 10 a.m.…
Community News, May 2022
Scandinavian Club Concludes Year with Nordic Dinner

The Scandinavian Club of the Southeast Valley met for its final meeting of the year on March 20, at the Cottonwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. The program featured a virtual tour of modern Iceland by Kristen Olafs, a native Icelander currently employed by ASU. The 80 participants enjoyed a traditional Nordic dinner of torsk…