The Clubhouse is full of facilities and equipment for recreational use. Proper use of these is greatly encouraged although sometimes accidents can occur anywhere for whatever reason. The Clubhouse has multiple fire extinguishers all throughout the clubhouse indicated by signs. First aid kits are located in the Ballroom kitchen, office, lapidary room and Horizon Room.…
Category: Association News
Association News, May 2015
SunBird summer mailing notice
Lynette Martens, Manager The change in business hours at the SunBird Post Office begins Friday, May 1 from 9:00 a.m.-noon. All mail deposited at the SunBird Post Office and the blue postal box located at the end of the parking lot is collected at 2:15 p.m. The SunBird Post Office offers a “hold and forward”…
Association News, May 2015
Swimming pool contest
Submit your suggested name of the newly enlarged Clubhouse swimming pool area to the SunBird office with your name and address via any of the following options before May 31; 1) drop off or send to the office; 2) e-mail [email protected]; or 3) fax 480-802-4917.
Association News, May 2015
Kare Bears again…pay it forward

What a fantastic season for the Kare Bears! Our membership has reached 80, our fund raisers were fun and profitable, a first ever golf tournament was introduced and will be repeated next year. Our Kare Bear Fairs were well attended and successful, empowering us to donate generously to meritorious community and non-profit agencies this…
Association News, May 2015
Summer post office hours
Effective May 1 the SunBird Post Office will be open from 9:00 a.m.-noon Monday through Friday; closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Association News, May 2015
Looking for help
We are looking for some interested volunteers who would be willing to learn how to operate the Ballroom sound system. Once trained, which is actually very user friendly, you should be willing to help various groups throughout the year during their functions. We are also looking for a couple of residents who would be interested…
Association News, May 2015
Board meeting notes
The March 30 HOA Board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. All members of the Board were present. The minutes of the February 23 Business Meeting, the March 3 Executive Meeting and the March 16 Agenda Planning Meeting were approved as corrected. Gordon Lee gave the Treasurer’s report. Layne Varney gave his manager’s…
Association News, May 2015
Manager’s Report
Where is everyone going? The weather is terrific here and some of our residents start leaving to go to their summer residences. This has been a very eventful and exciting season with many fun filled activities and events. Even though about half of the SunBird population leaves for the summer and another quarter of them…
Association News, May 2015
ACC permit process
SunBird is a master planned community with rules and regulations to preserve and protect the lifestyle and look of our community. Any exterior changes to your home or property needs Architectural Control Committee (ACC) review and approval to ensure compliance of standards to maintain a beautiful community. When you submit your ACC application for approval,…
Association News, May 2015
Food donations needed
If you are a winter visitor or a year round resident and leave for a period of time during the summer, you probably have extra food you don’t want to throw out but don’t know what to with. I work for a downtown Chandler food bank called Matthew’s Crossing. If you would like to donate…