- Ruthjon Wick (Chandler Lions), Margaret Speer, Sherry Fann, Gloria Kishen and Agnes Regan
- Sherry Fann, Dave Jones and Barb Donbar
What a fantastic season for the Kare Bears!
Our membership has reached 80, our fund raisers were fun and profitable, a first ever golf tournament was introduced and will be repeated next year. Our Kare Bear Fairs were well attended and successful, empowering us to donate generously to meritorious community and non-profit agencies this year.
Our memorial committee handled numerous celebrations of life during the year offering compassion to SunBird families in their time of bereavement.
At the March meeting we re-elected members Barb Dunbar, Lari Thibeault and Bunny Bottorff and welcomed Judy Domenigoni and Holly Bird as new board members.
The new committee chairwomen were announced:
Membership will be headed by Marilyn Miles
Phone calls/cards/address labels for the ailing by Sandy Patrick
Mug delivery to convalescing Elizabeth Pendrey
Kare Bear Fair organizer Ruthjon Wick
Crafting of mugs for the convalescing are Janice James and Holly Bird
SunBird News article Rosie VanderVeen
Memorials Nikki Hanley and Bunny Bottorff
A motion was made to purchase an honorary brick for the honor walk for Chuck Chubin and honorary Kare Bear membership for life for his wife Judy. A request was made for a donation to the HOA for pond fish on Waterview and the 2015 year end donations were approved unanimously.
Sherry informed us of a spin off program through Clothes Cabin where the homeless may bring in their laundry and volunteers wash, dry and fold the items which are marked for later pick up.
Neighbors who care reported they are working with 132 individuals at SunBird.
A list of 2015 year end donations are as follows:
Hamilton Leos (Lions Club Relay for life) $100
Clothes Cabin $800
My Sisters Place $700
Hospice of the Valley $700
Neighbors Who Care $600
St. Vincent de Paul $500
Matthews Crossing Food Bank $500
Sunbird Lions Club $200
Chandler Lions Club $200
Hamilton High School Homeless $900
Garden Club $1,000
HOA Special Project(Security Cameras) $3,000
HOA Special Project (fish) $260
Sunbird Golf Club (overseeding project) $1,000
Chandler Firemen Toys $400
Judy Chubin (in appreciation of Chuck) $200
Memorial Brick -in memory of Chuck Chubin $40
Sunbird Employees $570
(Horizon Room gift certificates 57 Employees) total $11,670