Jan Bobbett and Mary Kenny While plans are now underway for our upcoming summer semester, New Adventures in Learning is wrapping up its spring semester with several classes that begin during April. Yes, there’s still time to sign up and indulge your curiosity! Here are the classes that will be presented this month and still…
Category: April 2022
Association News, April 2022
House Colors Added for Front Doors
Over the last few years, there have been numerous requests to add a third color to paint front doors. The ACC Committee is happy to announce they have added nine new colors for front doors and security doors only. They are Behr paints and can be purchased at The Home Depot on Arizona Avenue. If…
Association News, April 2022
Is Your Yard Weed-Free?
ACC Committee SunBird homeowners are solely responsible to keep their property free of all dead/dying weeds. The warmer weather we’ve been having, accompanied by rain, will start bringing out the weeds! It is strongly advised to have your yard sprayed with a pre-emergent, and the best time to have this done is now! Please remember…
Association News, April 2022
Manager’s Report
SunBird is an exciting, vibrant, and active community in full throttle this time of year. Driving towards the clubhouse from Championship Drive, either on SunBird Boulevard or Waterview Drive, is an amazing spectacle of SunBird’s outdoor recreational activities and enjoyment in full swing. Neighbors are walking, riding bikes, swimming in the pool, playing golf, pickleball,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
Sunny Quilters Participate in Homeowners Gathering

The SunBird Sunny Quilters presented an impressive informational booth on Feb. 17 for the new homeowners gathering. Jacque VanDamme and Nussy Merchant answered questions and encouraged newcomers to join our group. We meet on Thursday afternoons in the Hopi Room. They displayed a group project and offered quilting information. Recently, the group started working on…
Association News, April 2022
SunBird Patrol
Chief Dan Russell Hope that everyone has been enjoying the warmer temperatures that have finally come back to SunBird. So, with the rising temps, don’t forget to take your water with you as you walk against traffic. If you are going to walk later in the evening, make sure you take your flashlight with you…
Association News, April 2022
Did You Know?
That the HOA dues help to maintain the clubhouse and other amenities during the entire year. Your golf fees do the same thing for the golf course and all of the green areas we enjoy here. Just as you do ongoing maintenance on your other homes, the HOA and the Golf Club provide these services…
Clubs & Classes, April 2022
SunBird Has Line Dance Classes!
Association News, April 2022
New Rule for Sign, Flag, Banners, Displays or Objects of Good Taste
Several residents have requested that the Rules Compliance Committee and the board of directors consider a standard be set for signs, banners, displays, and objects to be in good taste. The media has reported many banners and signs displayed throughout the country that are offensive and/or are in bad taste. It is realized that, as…