Richard Volpe We’re looking forward to a fresh start for us all as we welcome in the new year. Our normal scheduling will continue as before, with meetings held in the months of September through April. Keep your calendars close by, as there are some changes related to times, days, and locations of future meetings.…
Category: January 2024
January 2024, Card Games & Sports
Play Your Best Pool: How to Get Your Pool Game in Shape
Johnny Henson, Professor Pool Are you looking for an easy way to get your game in shape to move your game to the next level? To have a great game there are no quick fixes.A new cue tip or even a new cue might make you feel, for a short period of time, that your game…
January 2024, Association News
President’s Report
SunBird Golf Course has long been a haven for golf enthusiasts seeking a peaceful and well-maintained environment to hone their skills and enjoy the sport. To ensure the optimal experience for all patrons, the management would like to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to the established rules and regulations. Recent incidents have highlighted…
January 2024, Association News
SunBird Post Office Reminders
Welcome back to our winter visitors. We’re so happy to see familiar faces once again! We hope you enjoy the months you are here and all the outdoors activities! Here are a few reminders from the SunBird Post Office: We cannot accept bills larger than $20 before 10 a.m. and after 1 p.m. We accept cash…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Pickleball Club

The Pickleball Club is crushing it for the winter session! Welcome to our newest members Lea Anne and Graham McPherson and Dana Smith. Our Ladies Dance Party is scheduled for Jan. 26 at 4 p.m.—a little pickleball, then a little dancing, followed by snacks and laughs. Ladies, sign up on Team Reach and leave a…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
American Italian Club
Frank Nechvatal Our Italian Club celebrated their Christmas Party with a luncheon at Floridino’s Italian Restaurant on Dec. 14. We had great food and fun. We had salad and rolls with Ziti Marinara and Chicken Ziti Alfredo, along with meatballs. Dessert was ice cream or spumoni. Following lunch, we sang about Dominick, the Italian Christmas Donkey,…
January 2024, Community News
Neighbors Who Care and Realtors Who Care Partner for Holiday Meal

Have you ever heard the expression, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”? Well, for our clients, that saying doesn’t apply, thanks to the generosity of Realtors Who Care, a group of realtors serving the Sun Lakes community. Neighbors Who Care’s most isolated clients enjoyed a delightful experience without any hidden costs or strings…
January 2024, Card Games & Sports
Relishing Pickleball: Pickleball Comes to U.S. Universities
David Zapatka Pickleball continues to grow in popularity around the country. It’s now making its way into U.S. universities. The leading example of this is my friend, Jarrod Smith, coach of Drury University’s men’s and women’s tennis teams, and in 2024, coach of Drury’s co-ed pickleball team in Springfield, Mo. In August, Drury announced the…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Art Club Update
Sharon Eade It’s hard to believe that we are turning our calendars to 2024! With the new year upon us, we welcome our returning artists and are so looking forward to adding new members to our club. This year we look forward to opening up our membership to add a broader range of artists who…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Kare Bear News
Mary Shelor On Dec. 7 Kare Bears celebrated their Holiday Luncheon in the ballroom, catered by the Horizon Room. We had fun playing some holiday trivia games that Paula planned, and we exchanged gifts. Fun was had by all. We have a number of events for the coming months. We have our regular meeting each…