Would you like to use and keep up your Spanish skills? Our group is informal, and our purpose is to have fun talking and listening to each other while improving our language skills. We discuss topics suggested by members and, when needed, we help each other with grammar and vocabulary. We encourage intermediate Spanish speakers…
Category: Clubs & Classes
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Sunday Dance Club: 35-Year Anniversary Dance
John Yu You are invited to our 35-year anniversary celebration on Sunday, Jan. 7, at Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom. Our dinner, dance, and live music venue continues because of the fantastic support from Sun Lakes residents. As residents change, our venue has also changed accordingly. We are open to the public—no reservations or membership required.…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Moving On

Harry Huckemeyer Now that all the holiday festivities of the previous year have passed and our New Year’s resolutions are behind us, we all have the opportunity to look ahead for a fresh start. For the Short Line Model Railroad Club, January is the time for planning, and we will hopefully continue to participate in a…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Desert Navy Update
Richard Volpe We’re looking forward to a fresh start for us all as we welcome in the new year. Our normal scheduling will continue as before, with meetings held in the months of September through April. Keep your calendars close by, as there are some changes related to times, days, and locations of future meetings.…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Pickleball Club

The Pickleball Club is crushing it for the winter session! Welcome to our newest members Lea Anne and Graham McPherson and Dana Smith. Our Ladies Dance Party is scheduled for Jan. 26 at 4 p.m.—a little pickleball, then a little dancing, followed by snacks and laughs. Ladies, sign up on Team Reach and leave a…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
American Italian Club
Frank Nechvatal Our Italian Club celebrated their Christmas Party with a luncheon at Floridino’s Italian Restaurant on Dec. 14. We had great food and fun. We had salad and rolls with Ziti Marinara and Chicken Ziti Alfredo, along with meatballs. Dessert was ice cream or spumoni. Following lunch, we sang about Dominick, the Italian Christmas Donkey,…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Art Club Update
Sharon Eade It’s hard to believe that we are turning our calendars to 2024! With the new year upon us, we welcome our returning artists and are so looking forward to adding new members to our club. This year we look forward to opening up our membership to add a broader range of artists who…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Kare Bear News
Mary Shelor On Dec. 7 Kare Bears celebrated their Holiday Luncheon in the ballroom, catered by the Horizon Room. We had fun playing some holiday trivia games that Paula planned, and we exchanged gifts. Fun was had by all. We have a number of events for the coming months. We have our regular meeting each…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Computer Booters News

Helen Seaton The Computer Booters Club will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 1 p.m. in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, at 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, in Sun Lakes. Jeff Ingersoll will give a presentation on Microsoft Office 365. It will cover how to get it, what it comes with, the pros and cons of…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Happy Hour Fashion Show Supports Women’s College Pursuits

To support women who are beginning or resuming their college education at Chandler/Gilbert Community College, AAUW Southeast Valley (SEV) is presenting its Second Annual Happy Hour Fashion Show on Friday, Feb. 2, from 4 to 7 p.m. The event will put the “fun” in fundraising by offering a 50/50 raffle, a basket raffle, and the…