SunBird Lions Club and Lions Foundation of Arizona present their annual golf tournament on November 11, 2017, at SunBird Golf Resort, 6250 S. SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249. Format is a four-player scramble. Check-in is on the patio outside the ballroom at 7:00 a.m. The shotgun start is at 8:00 a.m. Donuts and coffee are…
Tag: SunBird Lions Club
Community News, August 2017
Lions Club award presentation
Front Page, June 2017
It was a double installation dinner for the SunBird Lions Club

On April 18, the Chandler SunBird Lions Club held its 2017-2018 Installation Dinner in the Ballroom of the SunBird Recreation Center. The dinner was a joint officers’ installation with the Basha High School Leo’s Club. SunBird officers include President Julie Napton, Vice President Bill Hespel, Reporting Secretary Fred Garmeson, Recording Secretary Marilyn Hespel, Treasurer Ken…
Clubs & Classes, June 2017
Chandler SunBird Lions Club award winner
Community News, May 2017
Chandler SunBird Lions Club Food Drive highlights

The Chandler SunBird Lions Club held a food drive on April 8, 2017. The drive was held in front of the Albertson’s store at Riggs and Gilbert Road. Within three hours’ time, volunteers were able to raise $360 cash (which was converted to gift cards) and a SUV full of nonperishable food goods. All gift…
Clubs & Classes, April 2017
Chandler Lions Club Food Drives

The Chandler Lions Club has been conducting food drives in January (Safeway Food Store) and February (Albertson’s Food Store). Total donations collected at these sites included 750 pounds of non-perishable foods and $790 in cash. All donated food and cash was given to Chandler Christian Community Center located in downtown Chandler. Founded in 1966, CCCC…
Community News, January 2017
Come one, come all – free show
On January 14, the SunBird Lions Club and the Basha High School LEO club will sponsor the fifth annual Basha High School Music Show. The show starts at 6:00 p.m. in the Ballroom. Admission is free and donations are greatly appreciated. All donations benefit the Basha High School Music Department. Music Director Mr. Nathan Johnston…
Clubs & Classes, January 2017
SunBird Lions Charities Honor Card orders
Dear Friend: Sending someone a SunBird Lions Charities Honor Card is the ideal gift to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, births, graduations, holidays, as well as the celebration of someone’s life upon their passing. It is a gift that shows your generous spirit and desire to help others! We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation; therefore, your…
Front Page, March 2016
Steve Shannon-Still in Motion
Steve Shannon is a little older and not as fast as he used to be, but this star of stage, screen and television can still put on a great show. On March 5 the SunBird Lions will present Steve Shannon…In Motion, a night of singing, story-telling and just plain good fun. Steve is a long-term…
Front Page, July 2015
SunBird Lions celebrates 20 years of service

Fred Garmeson On April 21 the SunBird Lions celebrated 20 years of service to the community, the state and the world at their annual installation dinner. There were displays highlighting fundraising and service projects over the past 20 years. Guest speaker District 21-B Governor, Lion Larry Palmer, talked about the accomplishments of the club. He…