Men’s Golf Club News

Scott Moore Hello to all. As one of our many seasonal residents, I am glad to be back at SunBird! Although we seasonal folks didn’t have to endure the summer, like the full-time SunBirders did, if you live somewhere in the West, it was probably quite a bit over “normal temperatures” for you, too. Men’s…

AAUW Southeast Valley Welcomed Members Back

Mary Kenny AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) kicked off its 2024-25 programming year with an afternoon social attended by more than 50 members. Introductions of key volunteers were followed by highlights for the coming year, including the statewide Fall Forum, the Holiday Fund Brunch, and the annual Scholarship Fundraiser. In…

Desert Valley Veterans

Commander Rich Volpe Our commander would like to take a moment to give a word of thanks for the large turnout at our last meeting and for the support we receive as we start a new chapter in our role of supporting veterans in need. Also noted is appreciation for those who volunteered their time…

Garden Club

The SunBird Garden Club welcomes new members at any time! We generally meet in the ballroom at 9 a.m., on the second Friday of the month from October through April. Our annual membership is only $10. While many of our members assist in our mission of assisting in beautifying several common areas of our community,…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The board of directors had a scheduled business meeting on Monday, Oct. 28, at 10 a.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. The next board of directors business meeting is scheduled for Dec. 16, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. The following are notes from the October business meeting. Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Dave…

Friday 9-Hole Couples Golf

Welcome home, snowbirds! The hot summer did not deter a dozen or so of our faithful members. We admire their dedication but are glad the weather is now a little friendlier. The golf course is ready, and we are anxious to begin. If you love golf and you love to enjoy the fellowship of others,…

SunBird Men’s Club News

Jack Cooper, SunBird Men’s Golf Club President It is finally fall here in the Valley of the Sun, and our fall and winter residents have started returning to beautiful SunBird for some fun and relaxation. On behalf of your Men’s Club president, we would like to welcome you back. The first Men’s Club meeting is…

The Linux Operating System vs. Windows

Helen Seaton Computer Booters will be holding a short presentation on the Linux Operating System and whether it is a viable replacement for Microsoft Windows. The presentation will address what Linux is and some of the most popular distributions. Other topics that will be discussed will be the various applications that will work with Linux…

Art Club

Sharon Eade It was such a long, hot summer this year, and the SunBird Art Club is now looking forward to a new season as we welcome returning members and are especially anxious to meet new members for a fun and creative time together. Our Art Club meets in the Hopi Room, upstairs in the…

Assistant Chief of Police to Speak to AAUW

Mary Kenny The AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch will host Chandler Assistant Chief of Police Melissa Deanda as its speaker at its Nov. 18 general meeting. The monthly meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Riggs Road. Members are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors who…