The annual meeting of the SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association will be on Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. The purpose of this meeting is to report to the membership on the operations of 2024. All are welcome to attend.
Tag: HOA
October 2024, Association News
SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Directors Candidates

The end of this year, SunBird will have two director positions available on the board. This election period, four homeowners have completed applications and are interested in being elected to these open positions. Information about each of the candidates is available on SunBird’s website and at the clubhouse. Immediately following the board of directors meeting…
August 2024, Front Page
SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association Board of Directors Elections
Interested in becoming a board of directors candidate? Two board of directors seats will be open for election at the end of this year. Each seat is for a term of three years of service. If you are a SunBird homeowner in good standing, willing to meet at least twice monthly for board and committee…
July 2024, Association News
Thank You!
Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Treasurer A special thank you to all the volunteers helping to mail out the HOA dues statements. It is because of helpers like these folks that we are able to keep our dues manageable. Thank you for your special efforts.
Association News, March 2024
SunBird Golf Resort HOA Meeting
The annual meeting of the SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association will be on Monday, March 4, at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. The purpose of this meeting is to report to the membership on the operations of 2023. All are welcome to attend.
February 2024, Association News
Board of Directors Meeting Notes
Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary The board of directors had a regular business meeting on Dec. 18 in the ballroom of the clubhouse. The following are notes from this meeting. Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Bob Morris, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney The meeting was called to order at 10…
February 2024, Association News
SunBird Golf Resort HOA Meeting
The annual meeting of the SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association will be on Monday, March 4, at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. The purpose of this meeting is to report to the membership on the operations of 2023. All are welcome to attend.
Association News, September 2023
SunBird’s 25th Annual Community Day
Wendy Armijo, Lifestyle Director Wow, it’s hard to believe that SunBird has been hosting our annual Community Day for 25 years! This year we are hoping to hold the most successful Community Day SunBird has ever seen. With that being said, we are excited to announce that preparations are currently underway for this grand event…
Community News, September 2023
Only You Can Prevent Speed Bumps
The Rules Compliance Committee is partnering with HOA management, including Patrol, to create the Slow Down and Stop Campaign. It is no secret that traffic remains the number-one safety issue within SunBird. Several accidents have happened in SunBird that have resulted in injury to residents. These accidents more than likely could have been prevented if…
Community News, June 2023
Thanks, Chuck—25 Years, HOA Community Rummage Sale!

Jackie Cox Chuck Warren, resident here for over 30 years, relaxed in the Arizona sun the day after he completed his last HOA Community Rummage Sale, earning $1,816 for the HOA. It was his 25th sale and just one of his many SunBird volunteer successes. He says he netted about $2,000 a year: $12,000 of…