Tag: Garden Club

Garden Club Home Tour 2025

The Garden Club will once again showcase SunBird homes and gardens meant to inspire and perhaps motivate you to make some changes in your own home. The tour will be held the afternoon of Sunday, March 2, 2025. Be certain to add it to your calendar. The Garden Club is seeking homes for the tour…

Garden Club

The SunBird Garden Club welcomes new members at any time! We generally meet in the ballroom at 9 a.m., on the second Friday of the month from October through April. Our annual membership is only $10. While many of our members assist in our mission of assisting in beautifying several common areas of our community,…

Garden Club News

Some members of the SunBird Garden Club enjoyed time at the Lavender Farm and lunch out after our last meeting for the 2023-24 season. We look forward to starting our monthly gatherings again in October. Please consider joining us!

Garden Club

MaryJo Johnson SunBird Garden Club members had an opportunity for an adventure after the April 12 meeting to check out the Lavender Farm at Chateau de Vie in Chandler. This luxury estate features a mansion on a beautiful 10-acre property, creating an elegant escape within the busy city. Some of our members and other volunteers…

Rock of the Month

Deb Rising found the March Rock of the Month. If you are the lucky one to find the May Rock of the Month, follow the instructions taped to the back and call Lisa Onyx at 847-845-1442 to claim your Horizon Room gift card, compliments of the Garden Club.

Rock of the Month

Elaine Longland found the February Rock of the Month while on a walk with her sister Janet Farrell, who found the December Rock of the Month. You might want to join them for a walk if you want to find the April rock, which is hidden in a common area here in SunBird. If you…

Garden Club

The SunBird Garden Club would like to thank everyone who came out for the 2024 Annual Home Tour last month. This popular and fun afternoon could not happen without gracious homeowners opening their beautiful homes, workers who coordinated the event, and all the volunteers who helped make this year’s event a huge success. A major…