Tag: events

SunBird Singers spring concert – March 9 and 10

Norm Ott The SunBird Singers and their directors Owen and Joyce Bae are again inviting the SunBird community to another nostalgic trip back in time at their annual spring concert, “Music to Remember.” This concert will feature songs by some of the famous early to mid-20th century composers. Songs such as Yesterday by Paul McCartney, I Won’t…

Free dance – February 6

Please join us on Saturday, February 6 from 7:00-10:00 p.m. for some fun and dancing in the SunBird Ballroom to celebrate the marriage of James Gascoyne and Marcie Franklin-Gascoyne. Their marriage took place on October 17, 2015. All in SunBird are welcome to attend. Music will be by Mr. B & The Blonde. Cake and…

SunBird Kare Bears Faire set for February 6

The SunBird Kare Bears Faire will be held on Saturday, February 6 at the SunBird Golf Resort Ballroom (between Cooper and McQueen on Riggs). The Faire is open to the general public with no admission fee from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. There will be 40 vendors in attendance with a variety of wares, a white elephant…

Social Events

TRIVIA Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room THREE GALS AND A GUY SHOW Thursday, February 4 at 7:00 p.m.; $10 pp Marlene Weese, Vera Pollack, Joyce Bae and Wayne Will singing songs from Broadway, movies and more, with a little bit of comedy. Tickets available at the SunBird HOA office. There will be…

Steve Shannon…In Motion

On March 5 the SunBird Lions will present Steve Shannon…In Motion, a night of singing, storytelling and just plain good fun. Steve is a long-term resident of SunBird and has played to a packed house here in the past. This is a must see show. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the show starts at…

Springfield Community Garage Sale

Springfield Adult Community is holding its fifth community-wide Garage Sale on Saturday, February 20 from 8:00 a.m.-noon; 6495 S. St. Andrews Blvd., between Riggs and McQueen Roads, Chandler. The front and back gates will be open to the public during the sale. Highlighted maps with addresses of the participants will be handed out at both…

Film series begins

To all SunBird residents, We are residents (sunbirds, actually) of the SunBird community for the past 11 years. We would like to show a series of six films over February, March and April. We have collected these films over several years and want to share them with any interested residents. The first in the series…