Tag: events

Rotary speakers for October

Norm Noble On Tuesday, October 4, Dr. Kris Venkatesh will speak to the Sun Lakes Rotary Club regarding colorectal cancer screening options. Not a favorite subject, but a discussion that is essential. Colorectal cancer is cancer that develops in the tissues of the colon and/or rectum. Colorectal cancer screening saves lives, a) by finding and…

Social Events

Fish, Chips and Shrimp Friday, September 2 from 3:00–6:00 p.m.; $8.50 pp Served with French Fries and Coleslaw and all the fish you can eat. No reservation needed. DJ/Karaoke with Jamal Friday, September 9 from 6:00–9:00 p.m. Bring your dancing shoes and your singing voices and enjoy a fun filled evening with Jamal. Purchase your…

SunBird Singers announces start of rehearsals

The SunBird Singers, under the direction of Owen and Joyce Bae, are announcing the start of rehearsals for the annual Christmas concert to be held on December 7 and 8. The rehearsals for the chorus will begin on Monday, October 17 at 3:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom and will continue each Monday at the…

Save the Date

Bring it on! Bring your love of music and dancing, oldies and goodies, and all in between to the Ballroom at SunBird on November 16 or 17! Get your tickets early, ask the one you love, and settle back into your chosen seat for a talent-filled, first-class Las Vegas style production featuring music from the…

Shalom Chapter of Hadassah

Doris Codkind, Publicity Our summer hiatus is over (even though it is still hot), and it’s back to work for our very active chapter of Hadassah. The first of many interesting and informative meetings and events begins on September 27. Our program introduces A Lifetime of Memories and its designer, Lisa Gershkowitz. A Lifetime of…

SunBird plans first Holiday Light Competition

Entry forms can be picked up at the office. Judging of homes that entered will be Wednesday, December 7. Entry forms need to be completed by Wednesday, November 30 and returned to the office. Rules are as follows: Lights must be visible to all residents (street side). No homes entered can have their lights professionally…