SunBird Irish Club

Mary Pilon

The November meeting of SunBird’s Irish Club held on November 3 was highlighted by welcoming 13 new members. We are happy to welcome Linda Christopherson, Denise and Dirk Close, Dave and Jennifer Walden, Joannie and Larry Freund, Jack and Sandy Barber, Jack and Pauline Donnan and Allan and Laurie Hodge. Altogether, there were 62 members present for our gathering.

Plans for the Christmas party were discussed. Tickets are $18 per person and will be available at the December meeting on December 1. Shirley Goodman is the chairperson for this event and we all are looking forward to a fun-filled evening of music, dinner and gift exchange. The party will be held in the Ballroom on December 10 at 6:00 p.m.

Janet Rosenstock spoke about the upcoming bocce ball season. We have every Monday from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. reserved for all ethnic clubs/groups. Come and join us for the competition. It’s easy!

Margaret O’Brien is in charge of our annual theater outing which will be held on December 18 at 2:00 p.m. at Chandler Center for the Arts. It is titled Spirit of Christmas and will surely put us all in the Christmas spirit with the music, dancing, comedy included in this variety show. Tickets are $25 per person.

Plans are in the works for the trip to Laughlin where we generous Irishmen contribute to the welfare of our neighboring state each year in February. No definite dates are planned at this writing, but we will reserve rooms for two nights, as we have done in the past. The details of the trip will be given at December’s meeting. This outing is always a great time. The bus trip alone is worth the trip. Some new games are being planned enroute, along with the usual 50/50 game. Maybe we will even have a singalong!

The second annual St. Paddy’s Day Parade will be held on March 17. It’s sure to be as successful as last year’s event, with prizes for the best dressed cart, music, adult beverages and soft drinks and food on the patio after the parade. We encourage all members to participate in the celebration.

The monthly 50/50 drawing was won by Ruth Anne Hobbs who took home $66. Cheryl Wallace won $39 in the Dollar Game.

After the meeting which adjourned at 7:00 p.m. we enjoyed sub sandwiches catered by Julie and staff.

Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Joyful New Year to all!