The Sun Lakes Posse will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, Sept. 30, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The address is 9531 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes. The event will be in the meeting room, with plenty of space to comply with social distancing requirements. Here are the basic requirements to…
Tag: events
Front Page, September 2023
Sunday Dance Venue—Season Opener

John Yu Sunday, Sept. 24, will be the beginning of our 35th season as Sun Lakes’ longest-running Sunday Dance Venue. Our performing band will be The Breeze Trio who will delight every type of dancer, couples, singles, and non-dancers who enjoy pop music from all generations. The music and dances span the decades from swings…
Association News, September 2023
Social Events
Front Page, April 2023
Easter Activities in SunBird
Palm Sunday Our Easter Celebration this year begins on Palm Sunday, April 2, at 9 a.m. in the ballroom. Our Celebration Singers are pleased to present a selection of songs from The Easter Story cantata, by Thomas Fettke and Thomas Grassi. Pastor Gary Howell is our pastor that morning. Maundy Thursday Our Easter Celebration continues with…
Clubs & Classes, February 2023
Abe Lincoln, Re-Enacted by Glynn Gilcrease, to Visit Women’s Connection

All men and women are invited to join us on Thursday, Feb. 9, at 10 a.m. for the Women’s Connection program and continental breakfast (with gluten-free available upon request). The cost is $20 (including tax and tip), payable by cash or check at the door of the lovely Oakwood Country Club ballroom, at 24218 S.…
Community News, February 2023
The Talent Show Is Coming Up!
Ray Texeira There are still some tickets left for the Sun Lakes Talent Show, so get yours right away. You will see talented people of all ages singing, dancing, making us laugh, and amazing us with magic and music. They have been working on their routines for several months and are anxious to vie for…
Community News, February 2023
Trap Shooters Invited!

Vicki Ray The PebbleCreek Gun Club in Goodyear, Ariz., is this year’s host for the 12th annual trap shooting competition called the Robson Trap Trials. Trap shooters from any Robson community in Arizona may participate in the event, which takes place Friday, March 24, at Casa Grande Trap and Skeet. Each person will shoot three…
Association News, January 2023
Social Events
Sunday Funday Football Sunday, Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, Horizon Room, Check eblast for times. Get out of the house and into the game! Bring your friends, grab a bite to eat from our “Tailgate Menu,” enjoy ice-cold beverages, and come cheer on your favorite team. It’s Sunday Funday! There will be Sports…
Front Page, December 2022
Tickets for Troops

Nancy Stutman Steven Weintraub, chief strategy officer of the Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix), will address the Jewish War Veterans, Copper State Post 619, on Sunday, Dec. 18. The meeting takes place in the Poolside building of Oakwood Country Club, 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd. in Sun Lakes. A free brunch is offered beginning at 9:30…
Association News, November 2022
Art at the Lakes 2023

The 14th Annual Art at the Lakes Art Show fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023, with a rain date of Saturday, March 11. The show is open from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The show offers paintings in all mediums: pottery, gourds, jewelry, photography, woodworking, and much, much more. The show is…