Tag: events

Conley Cup March 22-24

Jack Cooper The big event is coming this month, the Conley Cup competition between the Canadians and the Americans, on March 22, 23, and 24. This has been an annual event between the men since 2011, honoring Mr. Bill Conley who was a decorated marine veteran who resided on hole number 5. The event was…

SunBird Annual Home Tour Honors Toni Onyx

The ever-popular SunBird annual Home Tour is nearly here! Seven SunBird homes will be showcased this year between 1 and 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, to share ideas for remodeling, refreshing, repurposing, and/or redecorating. This year’s tour honors Toni Onyx Greisiger, longtime member, contributor, and past president of the Garden Club. Toni was born…

Sun Bird Lions Club

January Bingo Winners Arlene Block With a filled room, SunBird Lions Club presented a fun night of Bingo on Jan. 19. Kim Price was one lucky winner with a win and then a double her money win. Other winners were Marilyn Klooster, Lisa Firebaugh, Eileen Martinez, Kathy Wolbersen (won two games), Pam VanLaningham, Jan Seith,…

Sun Lakes Community Choir Third Annual Spring Concert

Yvonne Orlich The Sun Lakes Community Choir is once again planning their annual Spring Concert. The previous two concerts were Requiems, but this concert is a collection of beautiful choral music through the centuries. As a refresher, we will tell you that this choir is made up of singers—all volunteers—from many and varied groups and…

4th Annual Easter Sunrise Service in SunBird!

The Community Church of SunBird is excited to present its 4th Annual Sunrise Service on March 31 at 6:30 a.m. Chuck Heitbrink will pose the question, “What If the Gospel of Mark Was All There Was?” With music, scripture, and this short message, we will celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection, which forever changed the world. This blessed…

American Italian Club News

At our February meeting the club played Valentine Bingo. Our president Lisa Romero had prizes for the winners. The club is planning the April Patio Party. It will be held on Thursday, April 11, at 5 p.m. on the patio. Members are asked to bring side dishes and desserts. The club will provide fried and…

Fun Lakers Club—Make Friends, Have Fun!

Joyce Selk The February Game Night was a real hoot! Host Ray Rodriguez never disappoints, bringing several different games, including Trivia and Family Feud, and playing some of our favorite tunes. It didn’t matter if you were selected as a contestant or part of the interactive audience. Everyone participated and had some great laughs. Be…

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

The board of directors met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Jan. 22, 2024. These are the notes from that meeting. Board Members Present: Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Nancy Eckstein, Dave Edington, Chuck Heitbrink, Bob Lama, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Eckstein at 10 a.m. The…